The Sioux City Journal from Sioux City, Iowa (2024)

Sioux City Journal. Sunday, OctoberU, 1981 r-1 NATIONAL LEAGUE Eest Division Muskies-win first Sports detail Hslsn Williams 414, Janice Stoddard 302. Teem: high game-Under the Hill 803; high aerlea-Under lha Hill 1179. HARMONY MIXED High games: Bob Pedersan 243, Frank Rusk 233, Leo Gelslngsr 311, Mlks Found 213, Herman Falsing 207, Larry Pssrson 207; Phyllis Ambrol 216, Dsrlsns sloe hen 200, Linda Schmidt 307, Kathy Thompaon 302, Eleanor opener since 1976 Dele Petere' Mr. O.

Henry won the oo-ieatured seventh tn a photo, noelng out Palch lialcha. Palcbetla hntanaj third. FeRSTIThar.) T-1J140 Planet Earth (4) 11.00 1 00 7 60 River Bear III 17.40 1603 Rukaneer Jr. (1) 4 00 SECOND (5Vtlur. Mfl NavaoenalSI 7.20 4.00 3.00 Executive Hoet (4) 1.30 2.40 He'tATiaasursID 100 Oulniela pes) 1.40 DAILY DOUBLE PAID 109.10 THIRO9lur.

Golden Bushel (1) 28.40 709 1.20 Double Gage 111 4.M 120 2.10 Quintals paid 20.00; psrlscta psid FOURTH (SVthar Or Merictel5 X.40 7.80 8.N Mr. Mike Hill 4.20 2.40 8ummsrsGrsal(3) 4.60 Qulnlela paid 26.00; pertecla paid 15120 FIFTHfflHhjf.) MOO JonnaDeelll 12.00 4 50 2 09 Pipe Cutler 7) 20 SO 1.40 UIIKOII) ISO Qulnlela paid 01.40; perfects paid 210 90 TlmmyJoyM) 1.20 120 2.20 Aboullnnll) 000 109 Abagadoll) 100 Quiniels paid 20 00; psrlscls paid 1040 SEVENTH T-1M4I8 Mr. 0 Henry (2) 0.28 2.00 2 20 Palchlttlcne4) 2.00 2 20 PatcheltelSI 120 Ouinteia paid 7.20, pertecla paid II 20 EIGHTH II fur.) Mingo Men 12) 4.00 100 360 Clan Royalty (7) 1.40 1.00 BressleFleta(l) 4.40 NINTH (7 hir.) T-VU19 Patcydll) 1.20 1.40 4.60 Risky Owl 15) 19.09 009 Johnny Oval (4) Oulniele pskj 117.40 TWIN QUIN: 2-7 arlth 14 paid B.111.40 TENTH(7hjr.) T-1JI4I J.C.'lJoyll) 13.20 100 4 00 Tony King (4) 7.40 0.40 II 0 I I I I 1 I I I Psrlscls pek) 106.40 choruses from Kool and The Gang, whose recording of "Celebration" came ringing through the new Auditorium sound system with each Musketeer goal. "Awful scrambly," remarked Ferguson, summing up for briefly to Ted Carlson, one of the team's new owners, "The first period, I think, was mostly nerves, said the coach. "We had a lot of chances." A scoreless tie was broken by Bloomlngton's.

Sullivan at 15:52 of the opening period. Sixty-three seconds later, Dave Wescott took the draw on a face-off won by Ryskamp and slapped in the first Musketeer goal of the season. Todd Morrlssette put the Stars back In front with just 15 seconds to go in the period. Both first-period goals by Bloomlngton were power-play tallies as Speddlng, a third-year Musketeer, turned In a strong opening performance. Speddlng stopped 28 of 32 shots by the guests while his teammates launched 46 tries on goal.

The fight-marred third period saw 21 penalties totaling 82 minutes whistled, Including majors for three separate fights. With a home-Ice victory In their pocket, the Musketeers must turn now to a challenging three-game road trip next Thursday through Saturday, visiting Bloomlngton, St. Paul and Dubuque, In order. Ferguson brings the club home Saturday, Oct. 24 to face Des Moines and a home game with Waterloo Is booked for the next night.

Summary First period: 1, Bloomlngton Tim Sullivan (Troy Nelson, Erlo Lempe) 15:52 2, Slou City Dava Weacotl (Pats Ryskamp) 18 55. Bloomlngton Todd Morrlsastta (Sullivan) 19.45. Panamas: Millar, Bim, Mcdonough, SC, Vsananan, SC, Oallala, Bim, Wlthem, SC, 10.31; Gray, SC, Jacoba, SC, 18:30. Second partod: 4, Sioux City Craig Haaallp (Clay Wltlen, Jell Gray) 2:04. 5, Sioux City Ftyekamp (Brian Wliliame, Fred Kamlnaka) 12:20.

(. Heasllp (Cava Gaorga). Panamas: Pallar, Bim, 4 28; Vaanansn, SC, 4:28. Millar, Bim. Pallar, Bim, Gray, SC, Sullivan, Bim, Branaon, Bim, Branson, Bim, 17:22 (maor); Wltham, SC, 17:22 (ma)or).

Third parlod: 7, Sioux City Rysksmp (Doug Spending) 6:17. 8, Bloomlngton Sullivan (Neiaon) 15:45. 0. Bloomlngton Tom Branson (Gsry Shopek) 17:02. 10, Sloui City Gaorga (Dava Wltham) 17:48.

11, Sioux City Brad Roas (unassistad) 17:58. Panamas: Vaananan, SC, Oallala, Bim, Morrlssetla, Bim, 2:31: Blna, SC, Millar, Bim, 3:44 (minor, major); Vlchorek, SC. (major); Kianchar, Bim. 5 27: Wlllan, SC, Allan, Bim, Wlllan, SC. Morrlasstts, Bim, 0:37, Hsrtmsn, SC, 11:07 (ms)or); Klsnchar, Bim, 11:07 (malor); Blna, SC 11:48 (major); Millar, Bim, 11:48 (maior, gama mleconduct); Gray, SC, 11:48 (malor); Morrleaette, Bim.

11:48 (malor); Kianchar, Bim, 18:40 (10 misconduct); Kamineka, SC, 18:49. Score bv oertoda: By Terry Hersom Journal Sports Editor Pete Ryskamp and Craig Heasllp scored two goals apiece Saturday night as the Sioux City Musketeers trimmed Bloomlngton 7-4 and kicked off the 1981-82 season on a winning note at Sioux City Auditorium. The victory was the Musketeers' first season-opening triumph In the last live attempts, dating back to an opening success over the old Grand Rapids (Mich.) Blades on Oct. 23, 1976. "It's a relief, we've waited six months for this," said Bob Ferguson, hired last May to coach the franchise for which he once played.

"We've still got a long ways to go, but It's good to get a win." Ferguson became the first Musketeer coach In the last four to enjoy a victory in his debut, a luxury not enjoyed by Lyle Bradley, Andre Beaulieu or Charlie Burns. A crowd of 1,522 looked on as the Musketeers erased a 2-1 deficit following the first 20 minutes with three second-period goals and the goaltending of Doug Speddlng, who turned away all of 10 Bloomlngton shots. Heasllp connected at 2:04 of the period, rebounding the carom on the rejected shot of Clay Wiffen, tying the score at 2-all. And then It was Ryskamp, converting on a power play at 12:20, giving Sioux City a lead It would never relinquish. Heasllp, a spring graduate of East High in Duluth, scored his second goal at 17:22 to send the hosts to the final Intermission with a 4-2 advantage.

Penalties bogged down much of the final period, but with each team two men short the Musketeers pushed their cushion to 5-2 at 5:17 on the second tally by Ryskamp, an Alexandria, native and also a 1981 high school graduate. Bloomlngton was not about to make this as easy as it appeared, though. The Junior Stars waited until less than five minutes remained to launch a last-ditch rally. At 15:45 (4:15 to go), Tim Sullivan scored his second goal of the night for the visitors, and at 17:02 teammate Tom Branson found the mark again, pulling Bloomlngton within 5-4. "Those last two goals were Just a result of us being tired," surmised Ferguson.

Moments later, however, the fatigue was set aside for a two-goal outburst that restored the three-goal margin. Ten seconds apart, Dave George and Brad Ross rattled the Bloomlngton net to pull the hosts to safety and prompt two more Fella 10. 7 Wittenberg 41 Ohio Weslyn 0 Yankton 17, Dakota Weelyn II SOUTHWEST Angek) 81. Ss.Slephen Austin 11 Arksnsss76, TsxssTschlS Arkansas St. 14, SW Louisiana 3 Arkansas Tech 34, Hsrdlng 14 Cam.

Arkaneaa 20, II Henderson SL 21. SE Oklahoma 17 Teaa Si 38, Rice 41, Tares Christians Southern Melh. 37, Baylor 20 8. Arkansae 28, Ouachita 7 8W Taias SI. 41 Payna 0 Sul Ross St.

39. Trinity, Tsi. 6 TeiaaJt. Oklahoma 14 Tsue-Aningion 31 Louisiana Tech 14 Texee Southern 24. Alcorn 81.

17 FAR WEST Anions 13, Southern Csl 10 Aiusa Paclnc 20. Ctarsmont-Mudd 0 BoiaeSt. 20, Montana St. 10 Cat Lutheran 32. Cal Poly-Pomona 18 E.

Waehlnglon 24. Haywsrd SI. 10 FL Lewla 24, Wealern 23 Hawaii 14, Wyoming 0 llnlteld 6, Oregon Tech 3 Mlaslsslppl St. 37. Colorado St.

27 Montana tech 10, W. Montana 10, He Vsgas 49, Brtoham Young 41 New MeiKo 28. Teiea-Ei Paso 3 N.Msi.HkjMendi 44, W. New Menlco NorthrldgaSI.3l.Chloo8l.16 Pec Lutheran 16, Cant. Washington I St.

Marys, Cal. 17, Pomona 0 8. Oregon 21, Lewis 4 Clark 17 8. Ulan 27, 8. Colorado 12 StanlordM, UCLA 21 Weahlnglon 27, Celllomla2l Washington St.

21, Oregon St. 0 Oregon 21, Paclllc, Ore. 14 Willamette 17, E.Oregon II CFL Calgary 21, Montreal 1 High School IOWA Wast Das Moines Valley 11, Das Moines East 0 Carroll Kuempet 11, Council Blulli St Albert 10 NEBRASKA Norfolk Catholic 43, Elgin Pope John 0 Lincoln East 7, Fremont 6 SOUTH DAKOTA Mllbank Aberdeen Roncalll 0 FRIDAY High School Albert aty-Trueedale 17, Rockwall City 6 Armstrong-Alngsted 20, North Kossuth 10 Audubon 20. Ssydsl 2 Aurslls 28, Primghsrl Bayard 16, Coon Rapldl I Beimond 26. Lake Mills 0 Beitendorl 1, Davenport Central 7 Brttt28, Forest City 6 Burlington 12.

North ScoflO Cedar Falls 14, Amssl Cenlervtiie 32. Aids 12 Clear Lake 35. Humboldt 21 Davenport Assumption 14, Clinton 8 Davenport wsst 27, Muscatine 0 Deniaon 42. Carroll 0 Dubuque Hsmpstssd 35, lows City 0 Fairfield Gerwin 21, United Cotnmunty 0 Girner-Hayllald 21, Northwood-Kensetlll Gilmors Clty-Bradgate 48. Ftolle 0 Gildden-Ralslon 14, Grand JcI.E.

Greene II Hame-Lake Park 41, Clay Central 8 YJ630, ScrantonO Laurent-Marathon 20, Prairie 11 Mallard 40. Sioui Rsplde-Rembrandl 0 Osage 47, Buffalo Center -Rake I Oaks loose 28, Keokuk I Pocahontas 21 Msnson 7 Pomsroy 25. Lake View-Auburn 12 Sac City 7, Lake City 0 Wslsrloo Columbus 21 Dscorsh 7 Wsukon 42, Wavsrly-Shell Rock 26 Logan-Magnolia 22 Charter Oak-Uti I Ftemsen-Unlon 20, Eastwood 13 Akron-Wsslllsld 23, Sergeant Blull-LutonO CrsitlandK.Lyttonl East Monona 34, Whiting 0 Lorirvtlle 28, NswslWrovldsnos 20 (3 OTs) Thompson 23, Twin Rrvsrs 8 NEBRASKA Elgin 35, Chambers 12 Heelings 20, Bsslrlcs 20 Lincoln Plus 12, Kearney 8 Lincoln Southessl 13, Lincoln High 7 North Plans 22. Alliance 21 Springytew 33. Verdigre 6 West Point 18, PsndsrO Wlsner-Pllger 14.

Stanton I SOUTH DAKOTA Ipswich 20, Northwestern I Frederick 16, RoelynO Wolaey 56. Alpena 0 DeubrookX. Willow Lake 14 Marion 80. Menno 26 Oldhsm 31. Egan 16 Baltic 18.

Csnovs 14 Garret son 14, Herrisburg I Colman44. Elklon 14 Wooneocket 44. Westlngion 12 Rutland 34, Ramons 28 Fsuikton 40. Sully Bunas 11 Corsica 22. Plsnkinton I Ethan 42.

Mt. Vernon 30 Mobndge 33, Weesington Springs 12 Chester 41. EstslllnsM Slurgts 11. Belle Fourchs 0 Florence 11. Waubay I Eureka 34.

Leote 20 Hiohmore 28. Gettysburg 14 SeJbyll.Cresbardll INTERSTATE Omaha (Nab.) North 20, Council Btults (Iowa) Lincoln 0 Clausen lie. High aeries: Larry Pearson 588, Roger Ambrot 967, Larry Schmidt 583, Bob Pedersen 581, Herman Felaing 658; Eleanor Clausen 550. Linda Schmidt 532, Kslhy Thompson 627, Jssnnie Schneider 524, Derlene Eefochen 521. Team: high game Caneon Machine 28; high serlea-Oon'a Pro Shop 2101.

KEYSTONE High games: Thorpe 228, Larry Van Buskin 224, Bob Prosssr Sr. 224, Kevin Lues 215, Meurice Chequalts 213, C. PedereonTOO. High series Bob Praaser Sr. 588.

Larry Van Busklrk 561 Larry Watchom 5M, Bib Oehlerklng 568, C. Padarson 560. Teem; nigh gama Ven Busklrk Carpal Service oil; high Sanaa Rod's Dairy Sweel 2529. DISABLED BOWLERS High gamoe: Don Kiewel 113, Raul Seamen 171. Harold Howard 116.

Roger McGregor 145. William Huak 143. Monica Olsen 148, Msry Ostedal 144, Derlene Kiewel 123, Sandy Howard 100, Barbra PreBtonOI. High ssrlsi: Hsrokt Howsrd 480, Paul Beaman 400, Rogsr McGregor 411, William Rusk 311, Don Klswsl 377; Derlene Klewlw 331, Monica Olsen 323, Msry Oslsdsl 322, Sendy Howsrd 288, Berbrs Prsalon 210. Team: high game Olson's Oddball's 531; high asriaa-Olaen Oddbsll's imtw.

DogRaclflg SODRAC PARK Saturday Results Picking lha Marathon champion In the 12th race at Sodrac Park Saturday night was sssssyss 1-24. Post position No. 1 Mrs. Jug lad Irom wire-to-wire to llnlsh almost three lengths ahead ol second-placer Hood River Sam. It was the ninth win ol ths year lor rhs BUI Hanlhorn runner.

Hood River Sam, wearing the No. 2 blanket, could not ovsrtsks Mrs. Jug, whlls DO Hope, Irom post-position challenged but llnlahad third. Bettors with lha 14 qulnlela combination ware rewarded with 113.80 and Mrs. Jug wss swsrdsd the winner's trophy andprijsmonsy.

Only two nights ol racing rsmaln with the wrspup night scheduled Monday with Fan Appreciation Nigm, FtHSinj) Quel. 1.00 3.00 2.60 3.20 2.20 320 Oukt.2060 3.00 2.60 0.00 380 4.80 Vlv'sPsppylO) Thomss Creek (1) BJ's Tools (1 SECOND (Cl Nancy Cash It) Country Qlcksr (3) 0.60 4.80 GB BO DO (7) Tritecta paid 210.00 DAILY DOUBLE PAID 10.00 THIRD (BB) Oum.H.40 Hondo Creature (5) 7.80 4.20 2.40 Karma Sage (31 4.80 Autauga Champ (6) Trllecta paid 54.50 FOURTH (BB) Ouln. 57.20 ParksvH) 12.00 3.60 2.40 2.20 4.0O 4.00 0.40 Jap's Allan (8) Memphis Chic (1) Trlfecta paid 052.40 FIFTH (B) Shotgun Daisy (3) 22.00 Princess Pins (2) TO Pulstndown (5) Trllecta paid 1,278.80 SIXTH (A) KA Nancy (2) 7.00 Tad's Fill 16) Ronds'sLylsd) Tntecta paid 183.80 SEVENTH (BB) Grumpy Llnzay (3) 0.2O Hondo Express (6) GoSolsr(l) 6.40 Ouln. 121 .00 15.60 4.00 12.00 7.20 9.40 Ouln. 32.00 5.00 3.20 4.80 2.80 2.80 Ouln.

11 .40 3.60 2.00 3.20 2.20 3.80 Trllecta paid 102.00 EIGHTH (C) Ouln. 101 .00 Tlnoellnoll ICI 43.00 54 60 11.40 0.20 5.80 WW Charlie (2) Jap's LsnnleO) 7.00 Tritects paid NINTH (A) Quln.33.00 Slyleenll) 10.00 0.80 3.40 Sun Venture (31 10.80 3.80 Soul Stepper 5) 3.40 Tritecta oaid 152.40 TENTH (B) uuin. ae.av 9.00 4.80 4.40 8.60 4.00 300 Ouln. 73.80 21.60 22.20 7.20 0.40 3.20 4.00 Red Man Juice (1) Easy Dollar (3) Extra Emblsm (2) ELEVENTH (BB) Savage Angel 12) Mas's Sugar 16) MsxweliSmsrl4l TWIN QUIN: 1-9 i with 24 paid 2,046.20 TWELFTH IS) 0uln-1? Mrs. Jug (1) 0.20 8.40 9.20 Hood River Ssm (21 5.00 3.60 DO Hope (3) 3.20 Trllecta paid 73.80 Tonight's Entries (WKh Sodrac Sam's Picks) rust IIMtSU UUJUl FIRST RACE (C) dlstancs 518: 1, Eddy Ksy; 2, Launching, 3, Seth Man Dee; 4, Borlngo; 5, So Atlantis; 8, Resenttul; 7, HD Hurry Hsrry; 8, GB Big Slick.

SAM SEZ: 8-1-2. SECOND RACE (C) distance 318: 1, Ted Scout; 2, Jax Big Hoss; 3, My Buck; 4, Benny's Rosa: 5, B. Pro A Go; 4, RH's Bonnie 7, Verity; AK'S Mooss. SAM SEZ: 14-5. THIRD RACE (M) distance 518: 1, Tally Quick; 2, Kings Wheeler; 3, BC Hsrvsst Hand; 4.

Mill Allusive: 5, What's Yours: 6, Biiou Tic; 7, For Raymond; 1, OogaOoga SAM SEZ: 844. FOURTH RACE (M) distance 516: 1, Marcslllnus: 2, Hushing Nick; 3, Savage Babe; 4, BC Harvest Storm: 5, Dealer Wins; 4, Hsrbs Town Crier, 7, Amphibious; 8, Ed Squirrel, SAM SEZ: 744. FIFTH RACE (C) dlstancs 816: 1, Battle Creek: 2, Bodacious Doll, 3, Chalk Up; 4, Olhkosh Culler; 6, Hustling Sweetie; 6, Tally Doit; 7, LanUna Coto- nal; 8, Hard To Hold. SAM SEZ: 4-2-3. SIXTH RACE (BB) distance 516.

1, A Red Winner; 2, Jsp's Jerk; 3, Shurlresh Bolt; 4, Chuckles; 5, Topllner; 6, Ote Jim Pup; 7, G's Gravsy Boy; 8, Hood -River Hype. SAM SEZ: 44-5. SEVENTH RACE IB) distance 516: 1, 2 1 2 4 3 7 14 10 -32 18 14 14 Montreal (Rogers 12-8) al Philadelphia (Canton 13-4), 3 05 p.m. 1 Weal DMaton Houston tflvan 11.41 al I na ammIm (Ftsuss 10-4), 1:06 p.m. SATURDAY American League GAME 4 MILWAUKEE NEW YORK abrkbi abrhM MolHor rl 4 1 1 0 Rndlph 2b 3 1 0 0 Yount as 1 1 0 Muphry el 4 1 1 1 CCoopr 1b 3 0 0 1 Winlield It 4 0 1 I Simmons 4 I 0 0 ReJcksn rt 4 0 1 0 Ogitvle II 3 011 Gamble dh 1 1 1 1 Thnmae ct I 0 0 0 Pm.ella dh 2 0 0 1 Edwrds cl I 0 0 0 Nstlles 3b I 0 0 I Howell dh 3 0 10 Walson lb 1110 SBando 3b 3 I 0 I BBrown or I I I 0 Oentnr 2b I 0 1 1 Rsvmg lb 1 1 1 0 Foole ph 0 0 0 0 Murcer ph 0 0 0 0 Milbom ss 4 1 1 I Cerone 0 4 0 1 0 Total 20 I 4 Total 33 1 1 1 Milwaukee 000 XX 000- 2 NewYork 000 001 000- 1 CCoopar, Ganlnar.

LOB Milwaukee 2, New York I. 28 Oglivte, wmiield. SF-CCoopsr. SERBS SO MDwaukae I 1 0 Easterly 1 0 0 0 Sieton 1 24 2 0 0 McClura 1 0 0 0 Fingers 8,1 14 1 0 0 Nsw York ReuachelL.M I 4 11 RDsvIs I 0 0 0 Vuckovtcn laced batters in em. WP-Vuckovlch.

NatlonalLeague GAME 4 MONTREAL RHILA abrhbi abrhU Crornrt 1b 5 011 LSmlth cl 1 0 0 0 White rl 1111 Maddox ol 3 0 1 8 Dawson cl 10 11 Ross 1b (110 Carter till McBrW (11110 Psrrlsh 3b 1 1 Rsed 0 0 0 0 Frsncon II 4 0 0 9 I Avties ph 0 0 0 8 Reerdon 0 1 0 0 McGraw 0 0 0 0 6palsr ss 4 2 2 0 Vukvch ph 1 1 1 1 Manuel 2b 1 0 1 0 Schmdt 3b 3 1 1 i Mtlner ph 1 0 1 1 Malthwe II 4 2 1 1 Phillips 2b 1 0 0 0 Moralnd 9 0 1 2 Sandrsnp 1 0 0 0 Boone 10 0 0 Bshnssn 1 0 0 0 Bows ss 4 0 10 Mills oh 0 0 0 0 Trlllo 2b 3 0 0 0 Soss 0 0 0 0 Nolsa 0 0 0 0 Johnsn ph 1 0 1 1 Brusstar 0 0 0 0 Fryman pOIIOLylap 0100 Wallech rl 1 0 0 0 DOsvts ft 2 I 0 0 Tout 20 1105 Total 34 116 Montreal 0001121000-8 phHadalphle 202 001 000 1- I None out whan winning run ecored. E-Manual. DP-Phtlsdslphla 1. 10B- Montreal 7, Philadelphia 0. 2B-Speler, Csrtar, Maddox.

HR Sehmktl (1), Carter (2), Matthews (1), Vukovich (1). SB Dawson. S-Noles. MS EBBS 80 Montreal Sanderson 2 24 4 4 2 2 2 Bahnsen 114 1 0 0 1 1 Soss 1 0 0 0 0 1 Fryman 1 14 3 1 1 1 0 RasrdonL.M 224 1 1 1 0 1 Philadelphia Holes 4 4 2 2 5 Brusstsr 1 24 I 2 2 0 1 Lyle 14 1 0 0 0 1 Read 1 11110 McGraw W.1-0 3 1 0 0 0 2 Notes Iscsd 3 batters in 5th. Reerdon laced 1 batter In 10th.

GAME 4 HOUSTON LOS ANGL8 sbrhbl abrhbi Puhl rt 4 110 Lopes 2b 3 0 0 0 Garner 2b 4 0 I 0 Lsndrsx ct 4 0 0 0 Scott cl 4 111 Baker 3 0 0 0 Crui II 4 0 10 Garvey 1b 3 1 1 0 Cedenoib 2 010 Monday rt 2 0 0 0 Walling 1b 1 0 0 0 Thomas rt 0 0 0 0 Hows 3b 1 0 1 0 Guarrar 3b 3 1 1 1 Thon ss 2 0 0 0 Scloscis 2 0 0 0 Putols 1 0 0 0 Russsll ss 3 0 2 1 Ruhle 1 0 0 0 Velsnzls 2 0 0 0 Gercls ph 10 0 0 Total 21 1 4 1 Total 25 2 4 2 Houston 000 000 001-1 Los Angelas OM 010 10x-t LOB-Houslon 3, Los Angelss 3. 2B-Puhl. HR-Guerrsro (1). S-Vslsnjusls, Monday, Huhle. RER BBSO 4 2 2 2 1 Houston RuhleL.O-l I LosAngsIss 0 36,983.

A 2:00. 4 1114 Bowling HI HO MIXED High games: Steve McLsgsn 232, Earl Schaub 223, Tad Haydsn 214, Norm Plsnienbarg 211, Joe Senltleban 203 12); Lois Plantsnberg 201, Karen Hayden 100, Char Snyder 111, Dabble Darby 187, Louise Tries 187. High aeries- Sieve McLigan 622, Joe Senftleben 567, Earl Schaub 561, Ted Hayden 555, Ardla Selbotd 555; Lois Plsntsnbsrg 543, Cher Snyder 521, Dabble Derby 517, Louisa Trice 510, Jean ruiier aw. Team: hkth gama Chuck Green 742: high series-Interstate Rest. Supply 2117.

BANTAMS High gsmss: Troy Conrsd 150, Mike Senilis 115, Chris Johnaon 100, Kenny Frailer 102. Malt Montgomsry 102; Tina Felix 11, Tent Cobb 71, Janet Cleveland 77-73, Rene Jamas 74. High sense: Troy Conrsd 220, Mlka SchiTle 205, Kenny Frazler 104, Chris Johnson 168, Ricky Zimmerman 177: Tina Felix 160, Janet Cleveland 150, Tarrl Cobb 147, Rene Jamea 143, Marcy Patereeon125. Teem, high game Cutters 554; high asriaa-GuttarsMO. JUNIORS High gems Jos Doorkin 202, Jerry Hogsn 177, Dean Maltby 151, Mike Price 147, Tim Larson 148.

Chris Uhl 171-130-127, Brains Eorrardl 130, Tsmml SslbMd 114. amies, oue uwvmn aae. Mm tsrson 432 Dsvs Fullsr 420, Rusty Hooan 415. Dean Maltbv 407: Chris Uhl 434, Brisns Edwards 344, Tsmml Selboid 319, Laurie Sooliekt 305, Tins Five 270. Tssm: high gama Rush 745; high series-Rush 21 12.

POT-O-QOLD High games: Jerry Walker 241. Bob Hutchinson 221, Roger McGraw 220-212, Carroll Peterson 211, Don Schnis 211. High series: Rcgsr McGraw 593, Dels Milbrodl 586, Rick Dicus 560, Don Senilis 554, Carroll Peterson 550. Team: high gama Wright Carriers 053, high aariea- Wrlghi Carriers 27W. 8ENOR CITIZENS High gsmss: Holdan Caldwell 202, Tom Vollmer 104, Cllll Redden 104, Arnold Runge 102, Hobb Eldrldgo 110; Ethel Mulr 108-150, Hazel Tornvley 175, Jennies Blsdss 167, Loonne Walker 190-155.

Monies Tullls 155. High series: Holdan Caldwell 500, Don Amlck 500. Ed Vedral 496, Arnold Runga 405, Hobb Eldrldga 404; Ethel Mulr 460, Leonne Walker 460, Alma Buttery 426, Monica Tullls 418, Msttla Bums 410, Jennie Bledes 410. Teem: high gams The Boys 864; high eerlee-Twool Each 1021. MARTIN'S FRIDAYH NTTE MIXED High gamaa: Lowell Anderson 237-103-103, Fred Grovar 231, Tom Phllllpa 204, Dan Kuhlman 103; Kay Grovar 164, Belty Hanson 170, Connie 170, Garl Phllllpa 160, Ctndl An-person 158 High aeries: Lowell Anderaon 173, Frsd Grovsr 975, Tom Phillips 575, Don Hsnson 538, Dsn Kuhlmsnn 500; Ksy Grovsr 492, Gsrl Phillips 453, Belty Hanaon 440, Ctndl Anderson 440, Connie Bock 425.

Tssm: high gama Woodchoppars 754; hglh aariea Benny and the Jets 2007, KD SATURDAY NIGHT MIXED High gemee: Bob DeLiughler 201, Ed Frank 104-101. Art Schroappal 186. Lloyd Van Busklrk 104, Kann Vaul 164; Pal Brunkhorat 202-160, Carol Van Busklrk 112, Mary Ann Flank 111, Colleen iriso. Spaddlng, Sioux City; Mlka De-laney. Nixon.

Linesman: Rick Suggltt, Steinbrenner threatens changes if Yankees fail Missouri .1 0 I -1 1 Kearney Stals 1 II 2 10 Fort Hays SL 0 10 110 Wsyne Slate 6 II I I 0 Emporia Slate 0 10 111 Weahouro 6 10 110 Today'a Games Missouri Western el Wayne Slate Emporia Stale Washburn Kearney Stals at Fort Haya Stats Missouri at Piitsburg Stats Rec League MON-WED DIVISION Imperial Images 64, Kitchen Krsltsrl 0- 1, Bnsaky's 3-3, Mai a 3-3, Erpreae 2-4, Mike a Saloon 2-4, Choir Boys 3-3, Michigan Connection 0-6. WES-THUM DIVISION Scroggara 8-0, John Morrall 8-0, Village Inn 5-0, (naurara 2-3, Rebels 1- 2-2, Greyhound Erprsss 2-2-2, Ssmts 1-4-1, Tn-Stale Lindsay 0-4-1, Out-Ot-Staters 0 Cross Country Westmar Invitational IE MARS, lows Led by tltth-ptsce Dnlahar John Msrrthsw, South Dakota elalmsd lha man division ol the Wastmsr Invitational cross country meal while Midland placed Unlshsrs In ssch ol ms lop tour spots In the woman's division and braeiad to the title. South Dakola had a 50-pomt total and edged eecond-ptace Midland, which had lourth-place llnisher Dave Pirn para, by 12 points. Jeraid Wynls ol Dordi won the eveni over the Hve-mlla couiaa In a time ol 24:30 while teammate Rick Colon llnlahad aacond in 24: jS. Plmpari Untitled 25:23 while the learn champl-ona' Metrltiew crosaad Via llnlsMlne with a lima ol 23:36.

Nebraska-Omaha, paced by Jim HaU who ran a time ol 25:07 good enough lor third place, tlnlshsd with 68 points, ons better then Dordi snd two better than Norlhweetsrn's 86-polnl total. Auguslsns trailed the llekt with 134 points. Midland look home tlrat place honors, as did hat learn. Doerr covered the three-mile oourss In 18:31 and was followed by teammates Edie Hassmsn, who Hnlshed second In 18:55, Shelly Downer, who ran a 10:07, snd Susan Downer, who wss lourth In 11:13. Midland, with 17 points, wss followed by Nebraska-Omaha and South Dakota with 55 apiece.

Colette Sheldon ol Nebrssks-Omshe prevented a Midland sweep ol the llrsl live spots by taking the tilth-place honors In 10:24, Preps Friday PONCA40 WALTHILL21 PONCA, Neb. Blaks Bostwlck scored thrsa louchdowns to lead Ponca lo a 40-21 win over WaithAl In Lswis snd Clerk Conlerence action here. Bostwlck scored on runs ol 81, five, and ona yard lor Ponca, now 5-1. The lo as drops Wslthlll to 24 ovaraD. WINNER 6 VERMILLION 0 VERMILLION.

O. Vermillion gave an top-ranked Class 11AA Winner could hsndls but In lha and the guasls prevailed 0-0 on a live-yard run by quarterback John DoMera. The acors, which cams In lha second quarter, capped a 23-yard drive which was started alter a block Vermillion puttl was recovered. Winner remains unbeaten at 04 while Vermillion la 2-4. PAULUNA 41 HARTLEY-MELVINI PAULLINA, Iowa Randy Kraayanbrlnk passsd lor 204 ysrds, oomplstsd sight ol slsvsn psssas snd threw lor three touchdowns as Psuilins, ranked sacond In the AP 2A-1A-A poll, delealed Hartlev-MeMn HART1NGTON 14 LAUREL 0 HARTINGTON, Nab.

Shor touchdown runs by Jsrsmy SlockwaH and Paul Hsgsrt lined Hsrllnglon to 144 victory ovsr Laurel and Us llrsl triumph ol Ihs sesson In mstchup ol wlnlsss Lewis 4 Clsrk Conlsrsnce loss. Hartlngton improved Its record to 14 while Laurel sank to 04. Tennis Sioux Racquet Club Charmains Buckley dalaatad awrennv tieuneuii iw oeiu.uar iv the Mlnl-Club lannla tournament St IM I SiourRscqualDub. Cindy Machado captured lha con- eolation llnsl with a 10-7 victory over LuAmSnlder. 1 First Round Msrisnns Jsckson vs.

bye; JoAnns Wolpert del. Cindy Anderson 104; Connie Spain del. Cindy Machado 104; Ana Montgomery vs. bys; Sus Foster vs. bys; Isns Sltzmsn dsl.

LuAim Snider 10-1; Sandy Cannon del. Trace Shields 104; Chsrmsine Buckley vs. bye. Savninnsts Winner's bracket: Jackson dsl. Wolpert 10-4; Spam del.

Montgomery KM; Stttmann del. Foater; Buckley del. Cannon 104; Jeckaon del. Spam 10-7; Buckley del Shrmann 10-7, Loser bracket. Anderson vs.

bye; Machado del. Montgomery 10-4. Snider del. Foster; Shields vs. bys; Machado del Anderson 1M; Snider del.

Shews 104. Hockey Ci 1 pn( VT I ir OAl UKUAl USHL Sioux City 7, Bloomlngton 4 SI.Piull.DssMolnesl Dubuqueal Austin, late NHL Boston I.Hantordl (tie) Washington 6, Detroit 3 Montreal), BullatoO Pittsburgh 2, Quebec 1 Toronto 0, Chicago 1 Minnesota 7, New York Hangars 0 Nsw York Istanders 2, Colorado 2 (tie) Edmonton 7, LosAngsIss 4 FRIDAY USHL Dubuque 4, 81. Paul 2 NHL Vancouver Edmonton 2 Volleyball High School SATURDAY RESULTS Esthervllls dsl. Sheldon 154, 16-2, 154 Basketball SATURDAY High School SOUTH DAKOTA GIRLS Huron 55, Aberdeen 41 Sioux Falls Lincoln 41 Brandon Vsllsy 17 Parker 54, Irene 24 Arlington 64. Clear Lake 90 Hamlin 71, RoahoH SO Softball SATURDAY High School IOWA STATE TOURNEY Baseball 1 MINI-PLAYOFFS Saturday AMERICAN LEAQUI EaalDtvlakM Milwaukee 2, New York 1 (Series bed 14) NATIONAL LEAGUE EsstOhrislon Philadelphia Montreal I (10 Innings) (Serlea lied 2-21 Wsst Division loo Angslss 2, Houston 1 (Series lied 14) Today's Pitchers AMERICAN LEAGUE Essl Division Milwaukee (Haas 11-7) at New York (Quklry 1141, 1:10 nm Continued trom Dl Football SATURDAY College IOWA Weatsm Minds 21 Northern Iowa 14 Central 41, Upper lows 0 Wartburg 27, Dubuque 20 Buena Vista 30.

William PennT Northwestern e), Weslmarl Grscslend 40, Mid-America Najarene 28 81 Norbertff.Lorael Ripon 35, Cos 21 Comsll 98, Monmouth 14 Disks 24, wichlia Sun 21 Illinois Coll. 21. lowi Wsslsysn 21 81. Ambrose it Culvsr-Stockloe NEBRASKA Mlisourl Weilem 38. Wayne 13 Peru State 20, Nsbriiki Wsslsysn 0 Chadron Slats 38, Hastings 7 Kearney Sule 46.

Fort Heye 22 MkJUixm Concord Doer 20, Dana7 SOUTH DAKOTA Huron 10, Dakols Stale 0 Northern Slate 20, Winona Stale 10 Yankton 37, Dekots Weeleyan 13 South Dskols-Sprlngllsld 14, Black Hills Stats 10 Sioux Fells IS, Souttt Dakota Tech 14 EAST Albany, N.Y. 32, BullatoO Albright 17, Upssli 7 Allegheny 31. Case Western 14 Balii 43, Himlllon 13 Bowdolnl Tults7 Cslilomls, Ps. 0, Edlnboro St. 3 Cirnsgls-Msllon 3, Betheny.W.Ve.

14 Colby 10, Union, N.Y.I Cortland SI. 24, Brockport St. 9 Dslswsrs 36, Missschuaslts 18 Dolewars Vsl. 12, Lycoming 3 Fslrmont St. 31 Concord 14 Fordham 24, Georgetown, D.C.

0 Framlngham Si. 26, Nichols 11 Qsnsvs 14, St. Fnncli, Ps. 7 Harvard 27, Cornell 10 HowsrdU. 31, Dslswsrs 31.27 Indiana, Pa.

10, Slippery Rock Hneca 30. Sprlnolieid John Carroll 20, Wish, Jell. 6 Johns Hopkins 15, Morsvlan 10 Lebanon Val. It, UralnusO Lehigh 21, Connecticut 17 Mains Tl.NewHampshlrslO Mime Maritime), Curry Mercyhurst 14, Glenville St. 1 Mlllsrivllls SI.

26, MsnslIsM St. 21 MontclsirSt. 20, Salon Hall 2 Navy 30. Air Force 13 New Haven 30. Keen 28 NT.TechTI.RPIO Norwich 39.

Boston St. 0 Perm St. 38. Boston College 7 Pittsburgh 17, W. Virginia 0 Plymouth St.

13. Mass. Maritime 0 Princeton 21 Columbia 14 Rsmapo 32. Jersey City St. 11 Rsndoiph-Mscon 10, lock Haven St.

0 Rhode island 33. Northeastern 0 Rochester 20, HobartO Rutgers 17, Army 0 Shepherd 11, Seism, Vs. 10 Shlppensburg St. 28, Clarion SI. 0 Connecticut 31, Lowell 14 Susqushsnns 14, Muhlsnbsrg 7 Temple 31, CoigaieO Trenton St.

18. Wilkes 7 Trinity. Conn. 27, Williams 14 Wagner 36, Hof sirs 14 Wasleyan 24, Coast Guard 3 W. Chaster St.

98, Bloomsburg St. I Wsil Liberty 43, W. Virginia St. 10 W. Nsw England 10, Brdgwalsr.Masa.

Vs. Weslyn 21 Virginia Tsctl 0 Maryland 19, Frnkln 4 Marshll 14 Westmnitr, Ps. 14, WsynssburgO William i Mary 12, Dartmouth 7 Yak) 20, Holy Cross 26 SOUTH Akron 10, Tennessee Tech 7 Aisbsms 13, S. Mississippi 13, be Auburn 10, Louisiana St. 7 Austin Pssy 42.

Morshssd St. 28 Bowie St. 0, FayetlevHleSt.8 C.W Post 37, Jemes Medlson 36 Davidsons, Boston U. 14 Delta St.31, Liberty Bsptlslt Oat. ol Columbia 7, Sl.iWs 0 Duki 14, Virginia Tech 7 Carditis 17, Richmond 13 Kentucky 23, MlddlsTsnn.

7 Ellzsbeth City St. 17, Virginia SI. 14 Eton 20. Norfolk St. 20, lie Florida 19, Maryland 10 Furmsn 22, Appalachian St.

IB Georgia 37, Mississippi 7 Hampton tnst so. tmory a Henry Lamar 17. NE Louisiana 13 lenolr-fthyne 20, Gardner-Webb 27 loulavllle 14, Memphis St. 7 Mara Hm 40. Guillord 14 McNeese St.

42. NW Louisiana 21 Morgan SI. 39, Central 27 Morris Brown 14, Morenouss 6 Murray SI. 10. 7 Newberry 13, Csrson-Newman 7 NKhoHs St.

56. Southern U. 14 Carolina 48. Waka Forest 10 Prssbytsrlsn 27. Cstawbs 7 S.

Carotins 28. Ksntucky 14 8 Carotins SI. 62. SmlihO Tennessee 10, Georgia Tech 7 Tennessee St. 14, Grsmbttng SL 10 Tn -Chattanooga 20.

Marshall 0 Towson St. 26. Cent Connecticut 0 Tutane 14. Venders 10 VM1 14, Citadel 0 Virginia Union 42, Clark Col. 0 Waeh.lee14,MeryvHle12 Georgia 27.

Hampden-Sydney 15 Carolina 37, WoHord 30 Wlnelon-Selem 29. Livingstone 8 MIDWEST Adrian Olivet 0 Anderson 47, Manchester 14 Ashland 21. ViloanlaoO Auguslsns.M.31.Mllltkin0 Bauer 35. Cent Methodist 0 Baldwtn-Wallace 2). Ottarbeln 2 Bethany Kan.

31, Tsbor 0 Bowling Green 7, Miami Ohio 7, tie Buena Vista 30. William Pann 7 Canlilul 17, Ohio Northern 10 Capital 20, Muskingum 14 Carieton 50, Kiwk 21 Carroll. Mont. 20, Rocky Mountain 10 Carroll. Wis.

19.Wheeton25 Csnl. Michigan 19, Michigan 13 Cent Missouri SW Missouri 6, lie Cent. Ohio 26. Lincoln 7 Centre 48, Principle 7 Chadron SI. 36, Hastings 7 Cincinnati Ohio uf Concordia.

Moor. 20, Lakeland 21 Concordia, SI P. 18, Dr.Msrtln Lulhsr Comsll. lows 58. Monmouth, HI.

14 Dayton 46, Frostburg St. 21 DePeuw 17, Rose-Hulmsn 7 Dickinson SI. 7, MlnolSI.O Doans 20, Dins 7 Drake 24, Wichita SI. 23 Evangel 22, Olivet Nuarene 7 Florida St. 19, Notre Dame 11 Franklin 25.

Bullet 21 Friends 25. SWKansss 24 Gracsland 40, Md-Am Nusrens 20 Grand Valley St. 40, Wayne, Mich. 17 Gustsv Adofphus 14, 81, John's, Minn, 10 Hanover 31. Blultton 7 Hlllsdsls 26, Saginaw Val.

St. 0 Hiram Col. 17, Thiol 14 Hope 44, Albion 14 Huron 10, Dakota St. 8 llnols SI. 25, E.

Illinois 3 Illinois Wsslyn 3, North Par 0 Indians Central 21, Evansvllle 8 Indiana SI J1, Ball St. 7 Iowa 42, Indiana 26 Kelanwoo20, Alma 17 Kansas Weslyn 34, McPherson 27 Kent St. 31. Illinois 10 Ksnyon20. Mariana 0 Lake Forsst17, Chicago 13 Lawrence M.Betolt 14 Luther 24, Simpson 21 Michigan 36, Michigan St.

20 Midland 28. Concordia, Nab. 21 Minnssots 39, Norlhwsstsm 23 Minn -Oulurn 10, SI. Cloud SI 7 Missoun 50. Kansas SI.

13 Missouri-Rolls 24, NW Missouri SI I Mo. Waslern 18, Wayna, Neb. 11 Moorheed St. 45, Mankato SI 0 Mount Qenarlo 37, Marquette 2) Mount Union 17, Heidelberg 20 Nebraska 90. ColorsdoO N.

Dakola 27, Morning skleO Dakola St. 48. 3 Dskots St 24 NE Missouri 34, 8E Missouri 18 NE Illinois 14, Eureka 11 Colorado 26. Augustana.S 0. 8 Northern St.

,8 0. 20. Winona SI. 10 NW lows 63. WsttmsrO Northwd, Mich.

11, Ferris SI. tO Obsrllnl, Drove City 10 Oklahoma SI. 20. Kansaa 7 Peru St. 20, Nebraska Weslyn 0 Purdus 44, Illinois 20 Rlrwi 18 Cos 21 81 Joseph, Ind.

17, Georgetown, Ky, 14 SI.Norbsr127,Lorssl 81. Olsl 14, Michigan Tech 0 81. Thomas 37, Augsburg 25 8foui Fails II, 8. Dakota Tech 14 8. Dakota 17, Nebraska-Omaha II Toledo 42.

E. Michigan? Valley City St. 27, Miyvllle 81.0 Wabash 40, Washington, Mo. 14 Warlburg 27, Dubuque 28 Waahburn 17, Emporia St. 10 W.

Illinois 21, N. lows 14 W. Ksntucky 35. Youngitown 81. 14 William Jewell 27, Tarklol Wilmington 11, Taylor II Wisconsin 24, Ohio 81.

21 Claire 20, PI. Today's Entries POST TIME 1:18 P.M. FIR8T RACE: Puree 1804, 4-yeAroids I up, claiming 12500, 7 lutlongs: Bound to Scors 122, Round Robber 122, Mark Lightly 122, Jud Beano 117, Brandywlna 0 Pony 122, Noaockalall 114, Bass Blull 122, Mighty Ellon 122. 8ECOND RACE: Purss 11019, 4-year-olda 0 up, claiming 12500-2000, Ivi lurtongs: Only Smlls Itt.KIng Blue 111, Butterscotch Boy 122, Sagsr 111, UnlkW 111, I'll be Dogtaggad 122, Poised and Ready 115, Splinter Fleet 115. THIRD RACE: Purss 11541, 344-yssr-olds, sltowsncs, SH lurtongs: Lord Windsor 111, Joksrs Edgs 122, Impeccably 122, Kings Hart til, Miss FOURTH RACE: Purss 13700, 3-yesr-old South Dakota brsd, sltowsncs, 5Vs lurtongs: Miss Msto Pshs 117, A.J.

Bolsxy 120, Billy Mison 120, RobsMn 122. Satloks Express 111, Jet Cinder 115, Elk Creek Rd. 1 16, Clsrlndei Flight 117. FIFTH RACE: Purse 11545, 3-yssr-okti, sllowsnca, 7 rurlongs: Anon 115, Say Dead 114, Lin Boy 111. Sweet Hello 122, Centecup 122.

Harry's Coyote 111, lce0blect1lKlaearron116. SIXTH RACE: Purss 11545, 4-yser-okts 0 up, sltowsncs, 7 lurtongs: Prsxy Mscnrss 120, Waaler Tide 122, Larrystan 122, Future Sot 120, O. Fran 122, Patch SEVENTH RACE: Purss 12500, 1-yeat-olds, Park Jelieraon Futurity, allowance, I lurtonga: Night Hoc 111, Joker's Shadow 115, Tum to a Mlricel 114, Friendly Man 113, Careys Misty 114, Csrrywlnlll. EIGHTH RACE: Purss 31035, 4-year-olds I up. claiming 12500, SM lurtongs: Jsl Rsgs 111, Gsnttoa 115, Cross to 122, Ls Duds 111, Lumbar King 122, Little Beanie 111, Rising Time 111, JayBo122.

NINTH RACE: Puree 11035, 4-yeer-olds I up, claiming 12500. 7 kirlongs: King's Cspturs 122, Bsrrlslsr's Star 113, Open Renege 122, Dancing Bold 111, Irish Knave 120, Zednlk 111, Gsy Flyer TENTH RACE: Purse H100, lyear-dds 0 up, claiming 12500, 7 Kirlongs: Programing 122, Sioux Vsllsy Duds 122, Gsry Lynns 122, Grumpy Daddy 122, Dsluxs Jo 118, Rehearaal Call 122, Gem Foxle 122, Penny Bandit 111. LINCOLN Saturday Results nrMT funonds Shirley 'a Sharpa TeenlMsenl Ester's Triumph SECOND NurssLou Ye Jon 1.00 4.20 2.40 0.40 8.80 2.80 Ihirlenaa 11.40 6.80 4.90 6.00 4.20 Proud Betty 5.80 OAIU UUUDUE rrwM.w THIRD Ohinonos ToaToToe 18.40 6.40 4 Gordo 4.40 140 Shellback 180 Evicts paid 08.80 afiwlMvia ruvnin Jorsc Tamyon love Ma Fool FIFTH FullO'Hoc 4.80 3.60 IM 1.40 1.20 4.40 hirlongs 24.40 140 6.00 1.60 2 80 Lion Honey Tucks Missile Exacta paid 02.00 SIXTH Mr. More Pleasure DevH Blus Slipper SEVENTH Spkivocstor Shjrtongs 7.00 5.20 1.90 16.20 7.00 4.00 6 lurtongs 4.60 300 2.80 3.20 2.80 Honky Bstn Mstoy Exacts psid 12.00 4.10 tun in Mr.Eldsg Shaibot Hot Fun NINTH Orlac Pass The Sherry RMS. 24.00 0.20 7.40 5.00 4.00 0.80 leimltee 0.40 4 80 2.40 5.80 2.80 2.80 usn reicn ui.

Exacts paid 41 .00 Aitendanco mutual handle 1431,112 Today's Entries POST TIME1 P.M. FIRST RACE: Puree 12.800, 3-ysar-old maidens, 6 lurtongs: Jsff's Citation 110, Robins Gem 106, Slmmerln Clmmaron 111, Damblea 116, Bobble Lynn 116, Giddy Princess 115, Msglc Gsmbtor 110, Drah SECOND RACE: Purse 12,100, 4-yssi-okts snd up, claiming 12,900, I lurtongs: Bsyou Man 111, ktentlller 105. Ruler til, Knight Terror 111, Social Challsngs 115, Emll N' Andy 111, Hsll A Dean 111, Bog A Moon 118, Sheridan Heritage 115, Kick In Ds Grass 115. Also eligible: Mr. Jlbbs 118, Paradnlk 118, DobyB ,118.

THIRD RACE: Purss 12,900, 2-ysaf OMs, clsimlng 15,000, 1 lurtongs; Big Bud 122, Brsm Ox 122, Shytxn 117, Bent A Star 122, King Oulllo Mark 117, Jamie's 'Choice 114, Toadstool Eddie 111, Cruel Wind 115, Potlag 115. FOURTH RACE: Purss 11,100, 4-year-olda snd up, clsimlng 15.000, mile snd 70 ysrds: Peecelul Joy 112, Glory Sakei 122, lahbomb 111, Cralgs Jute 111, Carolina's Pilate 122, S-Oezila'm 114, eOrumblln Willie. eJohn E. Karber trained entry, FIFTH RACE: Purss 11.200, 1-year-olds, claiming H0.000-U.000, 1 mile: Count Tropic 111, Mora Cudge 112, A. Prince 112, Flaal Gunner ill, Crystal Wynn 111, Mat Lane 112, Wlnumlella 113, Klki's Dream 111, Vender's Star 112, Rongsur112.

Also eugiwe: Falala 111, OoM Dunce 111. 8IXTH RACE: Purss 13.900, 4-yeaf-Olds snd up. claiming 110 0 lurtongs: Prslrle Folly 112, Renegade Robbery 117, Splllonlan 110, Parker lime 122, Rambtln Mick 117, Run Harps Run 117. Harvey Keck 122. SEVENTH RACE: Puree 18.000, 4-yakr-olds snd up, sllowancs, I lurtongs: Agora 111, Dualln DavK 111, Top Latch 117, Joe Stow 111, Wlnalea 111.

Chlel Bandno 122, Living Pleasure 115, Bloom Character 115. EIGHTH RACE: Purse 14.000, Vrear-atds, sltowsncs, 0 lurtongs Mac Donna 115, Lamar Lad 122, Nalurerbarg 117, Baeu'a Winner 110. Shannon 111, lark's Fella 117. Von Prtbal 122. NINTH RACE: Puree 14,200, 4-year- otda and up, claiming 111.000414.000.

1 hirtongs: Snipe Hunt 117. Kory 107, Te Te'i Delight 111, Lost Ceo 117. Comet Dor 115, Fooler Rule 111, Hometown ookie iif, sweeten 11s. NEW YORK (AP) Owner George Steinbrenner called his mistake-plagued New York Yankees "a bunch of overpriced fat cats" following Saturday's playoff loss to Milwaukee and angrily told catcher Rick Cerone he would be traded at the end of the season, The Associated Press has learned. "If we don't win Sunday, I'm gone," a disgruntled Reggie Jackson said after the Yankees bowed to the Milwaukee Brewers 2-1 in a game that squared the best-of-five American League East playoffs at two games apiece and drew a bitter tongue-lashing from Steinbrenner.

"Others will be gone, too," added the slugging, controversial outfielder. "My brain can't handle much more of this." Jackson is one of six Yankees who will become free agents at the end of the season. Steinbrenner blew his stack in a 10-minute clubhouse tongue-lashing after the Yankees wasted the strong pitching of Rick Reuschel and Ron Davis by failing to hit in the clutch they were O-for-8 with a runner in scoring position and committing two baserunning blunders that killed budding rallies. According to several players who asked not to be Identified, Steinbrenner also said a club official would call each player Saturday night to make sure they were adhering to a curfew. "You're all a bunch of overpriced fat cats," Steinbrenner reportedly told the team.

"If we lose, I'll take the heat, but all of you will be gone. You're an embarrassment." The trigger-tempered, wln-or-else furious at Cerone, who in a rundown when he base too far following a single that cost the first-and-third, one-out who quickly dressed and clubhouse in tears, reportedly cursed Steinbrenner and "You don't know what about. You don't know point, Steinbrenner reportedly replied: "It's over. You're year." point, veteran outfielder was said to have told to lay off the catcher. closeted himself and meet with reporters after happened, Jackson, beef sandwich, said: know what happened going to tell you.

I ain't but you wouldn't believe report of the meeting up by veteran Lou also was outraged and (Steinbrenner) just wants quite badly, almost as want to win It ourselves. George keep on reminding We know there's got to if we lose. You don't about it every day. We hear about It every day We're professionals what we have to do. wants to clean house, let 25 guys have to go, fine.

okay, too. Let us just and play without all that Bloomlngton Sioux City Shota on goal: Bloomlngton Sioux citv First down! Rushes-yards Paaslng yarde Return yards Paaaea. Punta Penaltlee-yarda. Goallas: Doug Bloomlngton. Releree: Julian Dsvs Kuala.

Attendance: 1,522. owner was was caught rounded first seventh-inning Yankees a situation. Cerone, left the told him: you're talking baseball." At that gone next At that Bobby Murcer Steinbrenner Steinbrenner declined to the game. Asked what eating a roast "If you don't I'm not gonna hide, what happened." Jackson's was backed Plnlella, who said: "He us to win much as we "Why does us? be changes have to read don't have to in the clubhouse. and we know "If he him do it.

If If five, that's go out there noise." from Neustrom, Woodbury to Ed Blackburn. Trailing Inteception the third, the on a 65-yard by Neustrom's Neustrom with vital sneaked a thlrd-and-nlne Western three. later. Missouri Weetem Wayna State MVV: Tim Hoskins Meemerklck) MW. Wod WAV: Pal Maxwell (Maxwell kick) MW: Rick (Mesrner kick) WAY: Neuatrom MW: eaialy Bob lone MW: Moore 52 MW: Mike Mallory Tickles Dan; 2, Dannie Gibson; 3, Donna Cssh; 4, Anchor Spirit; 5, Bed Ol Roses; 6, Ted's Ripple; 7, Rebel Heath; Miss Misty Blue.

SAM SEZ: 14-7. EIGHTH RACE IC) distance 5116: 1, Gorgeous Bsbs; 2, Elceea Alert; 3. Indy Kick; 4, Merry Lin Buck; 5, JW Highlight; 6, Kar Dee; 7. Red Carousal, 8, Warren Buck. SAM SEZ: 3-7-1.

NINTH RACE (A) distance 8116: 1, Miss Ansldl; 2, AC'S Phantom; Oshkosh Theme; 4, Caun Friend; JA Cream; 6, Scans Prairie; 7, Faniaallo Gsls; 6, All George. SAM SEZ: 0-14. TENTH RACE (C) dlstancs 516: 1, Lorelei Imp; 2, Ws See It; 3, Hamm; 4, Utile Dart' 8, Raymond Speed; 6, I'S Patch: 7, Broke Yolk; Proton. 8AM 8EZ54-1. ELEVENTH RACE IB) distance 811: 1, Johnny Mix: 2, Kslly's Diamond; 1, Alternoon Jane; 4, Wright Fern: 8leepy Limey; 8, Sendown Royal; 7.

Pi Nip Tuck; PJ's Burr Bun. SAM SEZ: 1-14. TWELFTH RACE IB) distance ll; 1, Maggie Clesry: 2, IB Memory: 3, Ft Oney; 4, Ribbon Ripper; 5, Ted's Norana; 0. Cramcourss; 7, CB'S Blus Magic; CB's Msglc Damon. SAM SEZ: 0-14.

Horse Racing PARK JEFFERSON Saturday Results Ths sscond running ol the Park Jellereon Futurity haada the 10-rsce, closing dsy program at Park Jelieraon today. Douglas Bosse Turn To A Mlricel, runnarup lha South Dakota Futurity, toads llekt dl six In ths sli-rurlong event. A winner her two other outings. Tum To A Mlricel will be handled by leading rider Jim Cuddle. Kenneth Sutton's Night Hoc Invades From lha Nebraska circuit where ha hea a 14-2 record in seven atarts.

Rounding out the lineup ol 2-yaar-olda are Joker Shadow, Friendly Man, Carey's Misty andCarrywtn. Tlmmy Joy scor ad a popular decision In ths co-lssture sixth rsce. The It-year-old beat sir rivals In the seven hinong event with Gary Collier In me saddle tor one ol hie two wins ol the day. Tknmy Joy returned 15 20 while oulllnlahlno About Inn snd Absdsgo. llth-rated Western Wayne's Wildcats, tames 36-13 College Standings BIG EIGHT Conlsrsnce Overall WIT WIT Mtesourt 0 0 0 4 0 0 Ksnsss 0 0 0 4 0 0 Okie Stats 0 0 0 2 1 0 Nebraska 0 0 0 2 2 0 Color ado 0 0 0 1 3 8 Kansas Stats 0 0 0 1 1 0 tows Suts 0 0 1 I 0 1 Oklahoma 0 0 1 111 Today's Games tows Stats st Ssn Olego State Colorado at Nebraska Oklahoma vs.

Tsvss si Dallas Ksnsss Stale at Missouri Oklahoma Stals si Ksnsss BIG TEN Conlerence Overall WIT Whole 2 0 0 111 2 0 0 3 1 0 tows 1 0 0 3 1 0 Ohio Stals 1 0 0 1 1 0 Michigan 1 10 110 Minnesota 1 10 110 Indiana 1 10 110 Purdus 0 2 0 2 2 0 Mich. Suts 0 2 0 1 1 0 Northwestern 0 2 0 0 4 0 Todsy's Gsmss Indlsnsstlows Ohio Slate at Wisconsin Michigan at Michigan Stale Hllnols st Purdus Northwestern st Minnssots NORTH CENTRAL Conlsrsnce Overall WIT NO State I 0 0 110 North Dakota 2 10 4 10 8 Stale 2 10 I 0 No, Colorado 2 1 0 2 2 0 Momlngslds 1 2 0 12 0 South Dakota 1 2 0 14 0 UN-Omaha 0 10 2 10 Auguslsns 0 10 14 0 Todsy's Gsmss Momlngsloe at North Dakota Nebreska-Omshs at South Dakota Northern Colorado st Augustana South Dakota Slate al North Dakota Slate IOWA CONFERENCE Conlerence Overeat 11 111 Dubuque 1 10 14 0 Luther ...0 10 110 Central 2 0 0 1 1 Simpaon 1 10 2 10 BoenaVlsts 1 10 i 1 0 Wm.Penn 1 II 2 10 Uppertowa 0 2 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 Today's Games William Pann al Buena Vlsla Centre! at Upper Iowa Simpson si Lulltsr Dubuqus st Wsnburg DAKOTA INTERCOLLEGIATE Conlerence Overall 111 WIT 8 0 Tech I 0 0 8 0 0 SiouxFsils I 0 0 ill Dakota Stale 2 10 If? Huron I I 0 USD-Sprlnglleld I I 14 0 Stack HHIe 0 II 0 4 1 21 0 4 1 Yankton 0 0 0 1 1 0 r-Nol eligible lor conlerence champ. onahlp until Today's Gsmss Yankton si Dakols Weslnysn USD-Bprlngllsld SI Blsck Hllll Dakota Slats st Huron South Dakota Tech al 8loux Falls CENTRAL STATES Conlerence Overall WIT Mlisourl Western ...1 0 0 4 0 0 PHtabura Stele 1 0 0 110 the senior out of Central In Moville, Iowa, 21-7 following a 48-yard return by Rick Benton In Wildcats battled back drive in 11 plays capped one yard run. kepi the drive alive twice fiiird-down plays. He yard for one, then on a situation, ran to the He scored three plays Westerners stop Warriors, 23-0 WAYNE, Neb.

Nationally-rated Missouri Western finally got Its offense untracked and punished Wayne 36-13 in Central States Intercollegiate Conference football Saturday. The Griffons, ranked 11th In NAIA Division I while averaging over 400 yards per game, led only 14-7 at nalftime with a minus 26 yards rushing. They finished with a 320 total, still well below their norm, and only 65 on the ground. But the St. Joseph school picked up the tempo In the second half with a 22 -point performance that kept it undefeated at 5-0.

Terry Moore, the Griffon quarterback, scored once on a 52-yard keeper, and passed for another, an 84-yard bomb to Tim Hoskins to open the scoring. Wayne, now 2-3 overall and 0-2 in the conference, trailed 14-0 on the Moore pass and a one-yard run by Rod Stephenson, before bouncing back on a 39-yard pass from Kelly Neustrom to Pat Maxwell. Maxwell kicked the point and it was a new game at 14-7. Key plays in the 12-play, 93-yard drive were passes of 26 and 11 yards 14 0 7 18 J6 0 1 0 11 14 pass Irom Terry Moore (Mark Slephensonl run (Meamar kick) 24 pass Irom Kelly Neustrom Benton 48 pass Interoeptlon return 1 run (kick failed) Newhart sacked Neustrom In end run (kick tailed) 12 run (Maamer kick) STATISTICS High series: Ed Frank 620, Bob De-laughter 521, Art Schroepnel 400. Steve Van Busklrk 461, Steve Master 471, Pal Brunkhorat 614, Colleen Swelter 405, Carol Van Busklrk 475.

Linda Frust 445, Msry Ann Frank 431 Jsn Hsln 411 Teem: high gsms Dskota Aulo MS; high ssrtas-Dskota Auto 1923. PARK BOWL SATURDAY NTTE MIXED High games: Jim Ssybarl 223-200, Denny Hevehs 219, Steve Bonnes 209, Jsrry Prsusrt 208; Lsvonno Brunlng 205, Belty Covle 195, Merge Felaing 165, Betty Tuton 180, Joan Stephens 180, Donna Stewart 160. High series: Dsnny Hsvshs 501, Danny Mokter 584, Jim Seyberi 578, Jerry Preuett 900, BIN Stephana 960; Belty Covle 532, Donna Stewart 502, lavonno running 495, Jean Slsphans 401, Marga Felaing 482. Teem: high game 8 and 8 Implement 740- high ssrlss--8 and 8 Implement 2000. SALVATION ARMY MIXED High games: Bob Wllllsms 202, Rsy Petiermen 21 9, Gary Cola 177, Herb Cola 176, Dennis Titus 172; Judy Smith 222, Qwsn Ptsnb 222, Helen Williams 165, Dee Gabriel 159, Janice Sloddam 143.

High series: Bob Wllllsms 557, Rsy Fstiormin 50, Herb Cole 400, Sonny Kellen 414, Rick Gabriel 452; Judy Smith 481, Gwan Plant! 415, Dae Gabriel 414, 4 SERGEANT BLUFF Kent Lucken's two touchdowns were all Akron-Westfleld needed to blank Sergeant Bluff-Luton 23-0 In a War Eagle Conference battle. Lucken put the visitors ahead for good In the first half by sprinting Into the endzone for a 40-yard score and later catching a 27-yard scoring strike from Kent Harris to put his team up 16-0 at halftlme. A 43-yard run by Brad Henrlch added to the Westerner's scoring in the second half. The winners, now 5-1 overall, are 2-1 In loop play and still in contention for the conference lead. The Warriors' season mark slips to 2-4 overall, MW Wayne .11 18 i 38-85 258 4-55 84 83-07 140 0 10-204 8-36 0 2-18 2-2 u-3 in conierence action..

The Sioux City Journal from Sioux City, Iowa (2024)
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