The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

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5 fc-' -n i r- 'I j-r I-V-V- jy -v-- -5i7-: r-r 13 l- llutic Section SCHOOLS OF MUSIC IN NEW YORK CITY SCHOOLS OF MUSIC INiNEW YOKK CITY ll MANHATTAN AND BRONX 101 1 '5' -i Warns pf' 'ri5 fhmIi11 --w i- A4n5p5 AdSneaa' wt- i a-j rOrt-MOrork ra International Guild Chamber Symphony Arid Barrere Play FOB -THE season Ii2i-I1 it 4 year of pioneer work rtu its founding by Edgar tb International Compoa-VjcaBd offer three Sunday s- a AMiltffll AS at Aeolian Hall few 1 Mol (Vml mS laid Feme of Sehaag Ballard BaUaad- Halm (Pinna imwHaa daVliHa) 454 Apply lST op vieoa a visuaMeioIue ffJS in at Mark's sv KSui'pvi Betchia Studio of ill 45th aiMMwM rierBtukiliS Datkestr (Vocal) Tn Carnoirio Hall a (Vocal) MU W' 113th Onatava la JM 7th at V0MF JtadgMeagoMaeeelW VIIB K-flaeetae Apply go a 1 StwUon (VoceJPiaao)C US nib at A O- (Plant AS Tret non lict Voeal Etndlon Benedict 5Mb at Beil 0f concert Goonaens Apply ea 11 1 Conmrv of Made- fck of Modern -Broadway 45 (W-IX Any BerraaCacUp Slot at' APs aWC VtUS Maaoegdatmosa Bugeno con-Jan ZS Frits Reiner eon- nnnM Rtnkamkl 17 Leopold Stokowski April aphe programs will in- John (Vocal) W7 Sh 1 Bjaaojawlca-Ulbnaa Mma 51 iith Hh Alanandar: Sd Baden atag Maria fVacal aad UB SS Apply Any Mat Apply Aaytboa sth t-es apply k- Plaoa Sch'ta c*ntao Apply ef Marte-OrtSa MwetaTW CanII mt MS Apply Asyttaae 5-Wt BlMW ntanrteila Baa-Maa)3Sr Pavtalde a Oet Beneooesq MMvaSchwartaeaBt-abSMn Baaaeo a IS 1M 11 Oet gTnetete Lanle ViotUi) 17M CrroI Apply'4 gyk YJotor 8asertaaaClarlBi()nilm CRh at Applr'- (Vasal) Ml CaxiUa-T Appiy eCMua Ait-linaCMawM Qwtacy W- SB Any ttwmm c5TTLf NeelaAWhltalawyrkllnavAleflriapt a BS lSUa wpAay tlma tat at Art A Bcleaces Jam Slnstag) Maple Apply 1 BkMMaMSM MUWL Moww-IM yrttTat 45 Apply Sept If Bint teabel AmeM (Vocal) TenfaMiw Apply Sept 1 Mbm Xat (VocaJ 71 Lafftytifit arM 1 Apply Amp tlmm OjrbwirjjJoto iYMlm Hu Has- vvMIWl ri Meaevf ete ff FI(V Vtaoeowowa eo Woe CleslewMu WUlleaa (Vlsita) Ml New Jeraey av Apply Ctork Mlae I (Plaao) 817 Albany Perk BaadaH (Vocal) '7 Breroort pi Any Me ttwwst) Sch af MusR Jaeofca 77 Prospect pi: SB Apply kept Cersoir trot (Vtoiin V- i -l-wAnllp ll4 Fifth ev Beboorp Fhal (VloBa PI)Mnin Decatur i Deseahardt Minnie (PtanP U7 Hancwb Mv Ml Bogert Wahor 25 Claromoat nv I''i Baton Stadia of Vocal Art 57 TStb gi Bo'dtiMfiH Osa UMiKVittU Csiifikn Zll" 7th Jt" ---v WCVA tt rai Oirltes Morb D-V i Went End WBlf aaqv4(tv''ltl 51 ltaaaa'faaaad'a J- Kn4fibAa I CSuUmIU 4th an Apply 'q baa following noreltlea and ijua Berg chamber concerto for J-T violin and wind instrument: Stfo Casella a la VIo -Chare Eugene Gooe-wcrk for chamber orchestra iKtaea Ibert concerto for cello and j-j instruments Ernest Krenek nhoslehemusik Collin McPhee lnle and Rodino Francesco Hteml ad tIM Orta I 4a Apply Ary ttnM my hlTJf iViCtl) aalM4ayfaltarr 844 OaFWCj HjLMoawa' mm am rS ww CbmlAw miMm Vael WTM at rT VT 61 1 ty Conmrv af MuaicH HembkowttnlQ Lcniagtan av a S3S-SW Sept et Barrow at-i- A Pfdv (art 1 Lanoz SO APP Any time V1 Iwt-wCanmgia -4 Apply Brpt SB r'-i UBS Haipa IVOCIIJ 4 Bl Sth Atom d' apaam ttb av 7- i PtVI4 MftBMfi Sava Marl a a amte a iff 74th Ata 5 no Hoar-Mr 4 Do Lone Loretta Ba 17 Carnaglo Da Btefaai Sch Vacal Pjaaa A Vielln) ttb UBpkro Vittorio St Carl Rugglea Carlos Salsedo con-eUfor bafp and wind instruments Bum Or Still America pi Anton Webern live sacred 2tavsS: ff: DIUer-Qualla Me 47 Madlnon is eon Oct Da Trtoie Violin ata) lltb et IS Sd at1 Dentaeber Maria VioUa SckMM Ryanon M-and IBM Ocean av i IS Apply Oet Deyo Stadioa (Pftaa OdiolI IS Fifth Dtcklaaoo VlddP WaaMagtoa av -PhAak (Vecai) Uth Eswleakia -Mra Jr (Vaeal)MM Kaater Parkway Apply OcL 2 ghckaabacfc Mlae Ml (m) 711 St Mark's av Ftary Bek for Maateal Adraaeewat 17 Union et 2 Apply Ort IB nave Maileal FItw IN DeKalh Apply Any tlaaa Plortan Vocal 8tadIaaMaaAFInriMm Pierrwpcnt it' I Apply Thaw (Plaao lafajdio 2 trbr Anythno PVaaen Tboo Cba (VleUn Plaaah Har)lfH Platboak arw OS Apply Aay Uno Mas IPiMlfieeia eaeewM JcIftTlOB MW I 9 aon-- tf GoMatakk Josapk (VIoMx)m 1 1 Sd st Apply Sept (violin) US 7th 1 Anytime nckDavkl erne oral Clwonit at 1 1 TVa v--- i ScharOriahei lyllT St Jaame pi aad Backaley Inet ISO 'SepLff i ifS Ualen Apidy SewCU Oiwea Cbna of Mae (Vocal A 31 Walworth at 71 SUS Sept Onna Kathryn Platt (VhoUa) Uaeoln VI ROtm Bwt iPiamTi Two works will be repeated Jqr repot: Edgar Integrates pi Ipor Stravinsky's Octuor Tbs Chamber Symphony Or-PpM Rax Jacobs conductor bleb will giro a series of three laay-svening concerts of new and beard music this season at beard musie Fry -Oatrigaa Bnmma wa onaavar wQarila Falun (Piano) MS Garaeglo 'f Apply Oafel7lfyrtil (Vocal)' Si Chuvmant Oooeboldt Adalaidm Stadioa 15 T4tb 1 Apply OoMo WaMor (Vaoal) Stotaway Hall Si 'I SS Goodman MUcbn (VUUn) n-Motropofitaa Opera Hl: Anply Any Sraobarry ano Srftool POraniwrrr 14 lat at 9 up ffrn Greanwlch -Houaa Muo SchM 44 Borrow at IS 35 Aimly OM Orunow- Eatello (Piano) ACS Central Park Wost OnUmant Organ DrF Cart Iltk at S5 Oct-4 KundeKnan Lh PUn Riidwwm(f4I Braadviy Ort 1 HM8UMMABnta(Jl 75th 4 r': sS Harlan Oananrv of Mna HMr B1 Lanoa I 35 154 up Oct 13 Honoofald'o PioaoPtndioNAHHaqafli4 Alta Higgtan Sakaai of Mnalo (TWgHaau- VJ Vitot) rltMl o'n mnnmfK or W- 119th ACownnoom- -W Am oaon Hill Mm Jatao Fmnar VmnsJS Brcodway App'y Boh MtmM Hoorigna H5 tb 5 Vie'Wn 'OM I Hofbormov Omen (Pbw) 113 STtb at 1 Sant Hoaoa Robert Stadias 54th it' 3 125 Amy -Hoag Mg A Mm Holden (Pinna and Vocal) lHRh of Inetl'nro Mualcal Art Do IB mock 12 Claremont )0 LO UN4W Oct Jaeohn Har Mata VUUn Bckoat Mtk at 4's Apply Oet 4- JMwtn (Vocal) Slot Anytime Kane Net Broadway Amalv Anv tlmo 1 Krtone Bympbany jCKrlens Ot Hall City Odloge'- 125 Oct 3 s- KnryUo Adnrn 75th et 4 Kneknar Prof (Flano) -Ml ustb at Appy Kaln Sth et A Walton nv- 1 Aay tinta Oomta MndnUs Hava Hmmwy (Ptii OrsAS) Rardeaatla Jeaephlne CL Monroe Hartsboniw Doris (Piuo Vdfit) MS Tsth raeaeat Haaaell Om of Mnalr I BoaeaS-MS Many Rirnoharn Kart (MaBaUnB)nanir()7M Carroll Batman Heikert (Plana) Peatar AaaA SM Starilax pt hom*o Hoary (PbM VloUa) Hart 1 frt Any ttn Haw air a Stndlo af Howland Mtaa BIMabotb CPIaM) Marey ar Apply Jhpt Hess Aina iVogal) epeM iMi Ftbapacji paa jplAMfMitt aooaooaoeeaaM4 UMlB Blvdaaeata 4 104 -Apply a Job naon Edwin (Vocal) Hanco*ck Anytime Sch of MOm Jordan Hanco*ck a(- Aay tima Kolley Mm Dlckiaaaa Man Stadia 07 Mtk at- 1 Apriy Aar tima KaaWar Ltpden Jt Apply Ktaw Rath Ftaa Stadioa Spaneer pi 4 goman Rudolf Violin St MS7 17th (VloUn Plaao) SM Park pi Apply Any (fate Apply Sept 2 Lahmann Tbaedorw Viol lo Studio Oiwairt d--' xmeiMlaBky Con of MaeiMmCarpanfter SM St ar Xowia Cooar rv Man (hew Baafe Man- dolin Ukulele Pianaw VbrUa) PFvMdrjU oltea PSwoo Sfi XVg Hi a Idiekef Clara S1 Pf Rail has IS well-known jhltrs as David Robinson concert master frwnr concert master of the Chi-HIT Opera and Victor Herbert John Schuette second ildla recently with the i State Snpbeny Orchestra Samuel Stlll-first riola formerly first mb with the City Symphony Or-dwtra Jacques Renard first cello bmerly first -cellist of the New Twk Symphony Joseph Green first Isa vtcenAy with the New Tork knphoay Arthur Laura first flute neatly first flute with the State gnphosy Rareel Hanore first la recently first oboe with the fcdtt des Concerts du Conserra-Sin Louis Green first clarinet bmerly first clarinet with the dmland Orchestra Abraham lOa first bassoon formerly with the Cincinnati Symphony1 Lome 8ansone first horn recently born with the State Symphony tunnel Miller first trumpet re-Mtlr first trumpet with the State hnphony Samuel Borodkin tym-iut recently with the New- Tork tmtbony and Frank Sabatino tarp formerly with the New Tork hnphony SB Apply Any time Ocil -Apply 1 ifundotiA VieUn)H Vanderbilt mtm ooO Luady (Truer Banjo Mandolin Violin) W- SSth at (V Io1b Ill Ooorck Le Banna tg Lo bow It a Jo SS Cm Loyator Wilbor A (8lgbt Sing Ckmagie Hatl 34th at and Tradon (bhwi Binging Met- Madden' Can CP norm of Mnalo (Plaao viaMg -M Malkin--SSI Wart and Cello) av Vaanl Maloney Prank (Vocal) 11 5th Mtth at 333 UMh at 24 13W VS37A0 Any time Sept Maanacto Can tf MHiJlLMaiaactanMS lltth 4 MO App'y Mnrgulften Adela (Plano) 4d 57th h' App'y Master Inet- af Unttod ArtnL 10 Rlvomlde Drive 40 Varies May Arno Dramno Bcb May Arno 1215 Madlaon 3 5 Apply MeLoilag Eleanor (Vocal) 33 tv 7th at 4 Apply Mebaa lira 554 W1 1715 at Oct 2 SaptU Loyater Wilbur A (Stfht SlufliO 15 Maacb Mr (Plaao) 1 Apply Meatar BcfeOOl Pt liSfilOaa Btftt BiS)Mps Eaa II 9W40I Oct- 14 Maflmnn Joaelo KPartlaad av -Apply Any tima May Chan A (Vooal) Bwe Mayer Xliaabeth (Vlolto)-- JjJiimpr McCnnn Kd MeCallousb Alborta PMm at KeLnushlia Mm Aagueta (Flur) Hi ettk Apply hpLU Metropolitan Theater LeeifBe Janlor AuUlinr gl jMta AF BiAnlfi otirilnf plMjrtrt I Apply 1 -Oet Mnierwar Stadias Ward Oreenaay I Apply Any lima Molten ha uarj tool Om of Hide rd -II AMf Auytlma Merrill Etta Hamilton I) SMS tm Oct APria hSUfaM EVOf(LaIM a- aoaea Jf vr no gASM VSBa' WaoS' ibnaOnorr of Mule ProfQMooca gar Mtkav -15 Apply Sept IS kanndali trrbr Mwnaen Innr of v-pe I MuneekwT Ghrinstan SM Vaxiee Spt 15 Maoieaat Mlaa Mas (Plaao)- Ssstb ttb at A 1 It Apply Oet Mertlo Stndlo of -J MehlingSS Bmtor 4 zee Apply Moelcal Inst Ion NatalU im IS Sept Nelson Mrs Eornce (Ftano Vocal) -SHSM Utb rt Hlffcfttf ANftb (VtCAl)rrrrr MdBTOI JlrMtarNM AppljT SiPtr Paeple-a Mna last of BklaC tt Mecca -IM Mama a MS M-Z5 Sept SL Piano Instruction ve aa Piano Studio ImpCt pttrr Plymouth Inet Choral Club) Orae and Hicks ata i Apply Poleley Mru (Piano) tlioton ir r-Rath Chrt Stndtao nmtk Apply Rattlner- Prof (FIcdo VloUn Man- dolllle tic) J4- pioons I mm Bfipt ltodUck Con of Man (Flano Oryan) Met at 10 Sept 15 Retag- Joseph (Vlolla) -Pemaen Mlae Mabel SL (Plano) Hiehardaon-Knater Emma (Piano) -lit Octfl "Any tima Any tlmo 'Apply -r Sept IS a Are Oet 2 ia la dormer years George Bariev will conduct his little symphony erica again this season during Mruluy and March the Henry IQlcr Theater having been selected a the auditorium In addition to Ut activities -as conductor Mr Berne will again be thei flute solo-id with the New Tork Symphony Orehatrs Latin TpadaU -S7 lltth at if 8 lltth jpt Apply Ghraogto K-Tmnont Apply Any time us tarda Herbert Broadway Apply Nat Con aerv af Mag of '5 14th 1 App'y Oet 4 Voice Forum Mmo-BoU-Ranakeil id av Apply-- Newberger Adolirif Mth et Oct Acad of Mug (Toaor BanJa A Hawaiian Guitar) 1 IRRb If 10 (J5 am pi Cauagn of Mama SL 35th Atooa WW 44 CM 0 IW Any tlmo Lyceum af MuMeDrMo-aSantinlini Loaingttm av I 135 Apply' Sept 15 T- aao Oonserv A Scg f' of AOUiatod VA WaaOakoKS-Stalnway Hall 5 SM Apply Kept KYJIch of MoaU A ArtaR IVBtornar-IM Wort Bud av 100 Apply Aay tlmo Now York Brown- Washington sq Apply NOTBSHf JlUVl'tVOCfil) no no aM bwgnnono Met Opom Ofttal FhNIM4 lYOAl)(r itat(l2v OPM4 44' nnnw Packard Theater Inst (VocaJ) fj7i6 App'y Pnngme Mug Ptudloa(PlanoOrggVlollnI-)V 114th at 4 Apply Any time Parkaldo Mug studUgBotbARBadbordJoorprnnd Concourna 3" 3S Apply -Any tima Eifn Ellis BchooL- 11 Tfadtww mu i PPritold idUon 350 Any time -IS Urba Ring Mma Oullek i Sept 1 Apply 'j i a pi Rabin Lon I Piano Montgomery at I St James Pines Studio (Plano U4 St Jnmaa pi Harbert 8 (PtoaoTVoeal) Vernon ar Bamnelaon Alios (Vocal Piano Violin) -7M Argyla idr Sapon Violin M01 Lafayette ay Scb legal Carl i Vocal) (S Otuonn nv Sch ware Mtan mrweatlnn (Ptnm-TI Union Schwnnunatain Gabriel (Violin Piano)! Kb at 4 Scully Jan (Voice A Msht Reading) 147 pun Skerry Studies -C A A Sherry 1544 lth at a Sch of --B Black M6S Dean at Singing Col lags Newbury- Him -M Sterling 4 Cleveland Orchestra Here January 18 Apply Sept Apply Oct 1 Apply Sept Apply Any time (S Apply Any time Hail jlo Hail CnmogU Hull I PoUfay Mm Gartrndo Phillips' Arthur (Vocal) PUtt BatelU School of mm uda r' i4tq Mtl tfnJgH i Control Pirt Praaa-Jama CPetrocciJl Mth 5 vw jtf omen Apply Apply: 1 14 App'y Any time Apply Sept-' Apply Any tfmo 7 Apwr MMu I ocal) 117 Lincoln pi Emot A (VloltP) i -Zi Pork ptM MhhMl VtoUs) fMMMrtM 5MtlN MVih 4Cti4M' pt EubrrSj! A flith at JUTlteh Pluo Stndlo Be Raritch-npo1400 Clinton afM4ta JUy Sowirda Mbm Amy (VocaI)NtMS Sfth at Apply nr Any tima SO fl IVr Any tlmo 2 I Spenser Reid (Flino Theory CompLlU Mnrtenae at Spice John Viol In) HI 'St Mark's nv Btagg Studio of Mnalc Louia 3tagpl07 Millar nruM on aW OcL I OcL 15 Rollljr IdOwla A 43th dvrirkMa ssrph Ricg Ilona (Vocal) r4Vt't44MM4ntIII 47fh Stdo-eaw imm ytwo' fi has ae ISMS Oct 15 Stagl Prof Jen (Ptamo VloUn) 714 Quiacg at- StfillllCff OffiM LilWi fVCftl) itti(rs Btudlo wt Xl iit iPiaaoi ltdeoooq The Cleveland Orchestra con-j (acted by Nikolai Bokoloff will give Jo New Tork concert in Carnegie Ball thla season on Tuesday evening jh 11 The orchestra is no stranger jiat having given a New Tork con-t is every Season sines 1111-tO tUh Mr Sokoloff was guest con-hatar for a week in the Lewiaoha bilam la both of the past two HWqr OcL 15 i asonoo 4 Jd 1 Jfvy Saptw S4 44th ata no a wo wo'ano a Swwnnnwoa 444 WfT nouinsinif' rsniuw vwsi (' I Rofidflf Carl Plaito)oooedpww'Ae7 CuiMlfi Hall Roctn Frmacla ocal) wanwoawdkat44 fiSd atooaa Tloaoaatr LUX (Cello) Rivera! do' Roaew Harman (VloUn) 34fS4434t W7 TCth a Vocal Bcnooi MO W-ld Robinson Purdon Vocal) no'na eS4l W75U1 atoeoaaww oa aadtbta A07 CtWtllt HaUgnw-1 4- r- da mm- Apply -bnortO7 tt MiMt 1 SepL IB A CUla Violin) Park Stave rue at Heights Sch of Musie JM Quincy at Talbot Mm Plano Banjo Mandolin-Banjo Organ Ooltar) Willow at Thayer Vn Armour (Plano Vocal) MC Clinton av 2 Tbllefsan of Mualcal Art H- 7Hnfeenf4 Pryddout at Trvsmnnn Master School (Piano) 15 7 siuSSt f44ff4i 709 Stalnwajr KalUv 4 1 Roataa Stadia CVaeal) Rabin Barnard Piaao) 'm-p I owaghWAdeUa wo Uflth tdeogowoewoo App 55 Apply- Vi i' Apply Bept15 7 ISO-410 Sept tt a Jfc i 1 Any On flaenirr Oncar (Vocal) A IHurtior Car loo Bchglovlta Cart Me non hnwownw Apply- SepL-M 'SaptU Ataly i Hygiene 3 JLavborgMDIlW 57th 2 J3 Apply Anytime Bcorumodau' Mathilda -J15 Mth MkaUal -154 SL Nicholas av SchaUchg of Voice anon 1 )tit r's Apply Any tima) TMUb Anna (Mandolbr Guitar Ukulele Banja Pirn Vletorio Studies of Mi aad Dancing Oraeno 1 MiuMLFtacy5 Bergaa Id Fine- ProfLOonaaaa buah av Vienna Mna A 14 Iatban CVraiaMt' Vtomia Mna PvdAHTrockM4 Pitkln av Vitals Kdw Irving 2(4MorJpea'aaa8o jjtfc a o-opad udb'n i- 1 jt Vi -h Apply Any tima mo- Any tlmo Apply Oct 1 Apply Vaa vkMOW1 e- 'OOuds folia) attMittoatbrlUt -11 56th i ot Mealeal Kaataottlt4 44th rttwa a App 545-W 111th rt- OcL 5 Kbea la Cleveland tho regular season at ijjaaonle Hall consists of 20 Thurs-tvenlng and 20 Friday afternoon -JJ- Pjwta Mr Sokoloff also conducts Sjypnlar Sunday night concerts jW From Many I flJJjJ larga public nudltorlnm A aeries of throe young pco-epnesrts and triple aeries of TJtfC? concerts are under direction of Arthur Shepherd 1 Ringwall is assistant con- Oaergn man Ill Voecoll Man (V ocal) FVtnam av Walkar Stud)o (Vlollnj Harmon y)Uf Mod Icon at Ward karbert Ralph (Vocal Plaao Or- lollbl Jtl USd at SopL 11' CL A A Sborry51 Stataway Apply Aaytifmev J' Liman -MM Broadway 75 Aoolv -'7- Sharry Stadioa Sharwood-Nowkirk Appir is '7 Sspft IS tdlla WBBept 'J9q0 Watt Mabtd Corny Sch of Music- MW Newkirk Weeks WeUlngten (Flam)- MB Wiltoagbhy av Wraton A (Plano Organ 7 8m Oxford et- 75 Wtyfftlrftf Afthttf 1r (VA04l)iitrrll 4twg osedsabupiq hg mm 'Wild Albort (Violin) a aol oau ave oe Bnaaua 044 OlW9 Blne oonadw 00 gg WUUauiu Progmmlva Sch of- Maa Art (Plaim VloUn Votan Harmony) Bergen or acAoole of PWpnlar Muale UW fr way S7 gwar ttk av How- S' etU pi 1751 Myrtlo 1 r-r 4 nv tie Nortmnd av tiff CM Bay Rldgo a SM T- M17-: Resent I r-- Stsllnar Qraoo Irom Mot Opom rr- taptaMjPwW Rector (VocaJ) A4Wna T49 Saaaopeuaaggj 4 Apply Jean MM Broadway' rtobeeV 2: of th orchestm 1172 1 Vwka new to Cleveland which Mr mr presenting this season unflnlshod Third fmphony Third Sym-BBy in minor with organ th Bymphonlqu from Hamilton Hartys ar- Onto 4 Any tima obaue SIM SopL AddIv Any tima StaiMw May Vowl Stadi0on (ttttMMtt 144 rTTth ata-iw' 'n ItlltTi SOMBtt (PlfiBO) a trrfie(bMka90t 144th Sq4fMn I Tknat Chaan Sch Pt Mail as elm Broadway Pi 4th av TS4A Quincy 'V I Mu Concerto for violin 4 JbhJ with strings Weelber School of MuaJaF Wolber Moot rand av MS 51st IMMUtcn at MM Wattaobm Loopeld Sth of Plano FlayBBkln -Acad WOed Mfu Maudo 150 Lanes 1 Wright Willard (Votoa Sight Waging) Now 1 YWCA Mnalo Sch Sara Porter 175 Rodfdrd TWCA (Omtral) Wwjwe PortorI7 Bcbarmarbam ab- Apply- wt Vlrpil Piane OweryoMmAMVlrrinS4 T2d Vaiia VlrpU Sehb of Morin MrfjUCVJrgmM Wfirt Sad av Vooeoll LodIn (Twal) wei a-Mvt Opva Ho4n Ton Doanhoff! Albari jttfMitt4MtktIH-W MM 4 Ton Rmdan Hvrht 4tt4ott3eop AS2 4d at TottaiTO' Sab-af Mn4aovaeHe VoltfilrBvj217 44th St 15 M4 Apply Any tima Ward' Harbart Ralph (PlanOg 1 Symphony and Arthur a work not ktard in New Tork i ltetk anniversary of Beetho-death will be celebrated In the March 2d-2B with overture the 55 JM tho violin concerto with Zlmballat as soloist Ottorino Oompoattlan) ''annwooaanwowyBWaBwpqaStrinWay Hall Jtl ao Apply (IM Waifoira Claiidaw Stadioa (7oiabai4 44th 4 44 Oct 1 W4-W Ssptl Apply 1 Apply Anytime 511 I7t) 1 arabeetbt4 aolilel Wg WlB IK4p44P (uaiwiOM euuU4 We 17th Btte4S 9ar eoeonneaaTT4 A UKh ltifW4B aa4eaaaiarotaii Joeef mans) 4 Ibert Curl VloUn I Atawebl Prof last Cornet) IBBSp LWEWI 3ortopl appwr eompoosr program of Jils 1 tl Aprfy ASf tlflM A hrtm Wfwilty gth ita(MM tJM AlBBfa lBrtoaif Appllri MBfca Ml'fai aa S4tfc 'tiwetSvs IS Apply own iSaiSS1 flrst week of February giving C4 or CS concerts orchestra will give li jS tbe WsnWf ndario Vocai)tpefr4tIllWi Stfc Mm Witah Chyatal- (Vccal)iMa4d3iilM A 40th stanno hfcs 7 Walaaatcn Lotln CYcoM)tfMfSI Ciranli Hallano Wta Selnuu af FOPUU at c*nton CkhMIn I4tth eg- yjL Lonox av A Jltth 'Apply 'OcL 5 T-WCL A (Wta 2fUaioCnrtyi0th rt A Mtb Apply Aay tima Wood BUphS' Samoa (Vocal) af4lirtttMf Tampd Jej Stndla pt Vk)lUitl4ttl74 TiWCLAe Harftaaa BytlRft1 tac Slda) 7 Brel TWCA(Bnu Br)eMFRMR0 SS9 IP ftjwxws on tour playing in Maa-jMetts New Tork Delaware Ohio Kentucky and JS ni- About IB of those nor jrtll concerts Mm Ormce Broadway -Milton Beg (Vocal)-1N-U0 SSth et 2SSS Aky ttma) 14M Rroadway OarlbaMi (Voaal)(lM Broartway aa dor Lon la (Vaanl 4b ttth 1 Sch of Kdw SI 10Mb Tutoring 11 4Sth Bkbeock Jlxs Onmcgi Hell Hrwr -an- KL 174th at bioB Apply Rays Hanri (VtBM)t4iMHBfR 7M atoawgc Apply SilrlBta it Mwl Wi jin M7 ftmdvti -i 3fB 'S yf-t'rt lyr'h Aiy j-' h'f-H 1 ti yt 'Vl V-! 'S- -Sa P- '-y-t.

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Author: Roderick King

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Views: 6181

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.