Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

St. Petersburg Times, Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1949 7-C MM1 UaiflW.lNUHI.'UMlTTTTn 220. Help Wanted Femali 210. Help Wanted Mali 220.

Help Wanted femali 220. Kelp Wanted Femali 210. Help Wanted Mali 210. Help Wanted Mali 210. Help Wanted Mali 210.

Help Wanted Mall DUMP Tractor-Trailer Driven. Experienced. Good waget, good hours. Apply In person O. P.

Grantham WINDOW Cleaner. Experience preferred. Full time. Fringe benefits. Must bondable.

Driver' license. Apply Mr. Clin, 130 list St. S. FILE CLERK 66JTS Guarantee Employment 5580 Park Blvd PP (fee) 544 6851 GENERAL OFFICE CASH brlte beginner sales oriented tor plush spot 210.

Help Wanted Mali TRUCK DRIVERS Chauffeur license. Willing to work. Starting Mil ry, 11.75. Raise ability. Alto, experienced tractor driver.

Stirling ala-ry. 17. Apply 3001 -2nd Ave. S. iny Weekday 7AM ready to work.

"TRUCK ORIVERSIfUEL OIL) COMMISSIONS PLUS GUARANTEE NEW TRUCKS 896-4191 Trucking, 7000 Bryan Dairy pa. FRY COOK, day week, good salary, paid vacation, free hospitalisation. Experience helpful but not essential. We will train. Apply Marrl-ton Cafeteria, 6890 Oultport lyd.

BUILDING Maintenance, lanltorlal, advancement, benefltt. 40 hour week. 896-1626. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE RECEIVABLE CLERK Immediate requirement for Accounts Payable end Receivable Clark. Must be experienced, no other need apply.

Excellent working conditions with national firm. Send complete resume to P. O. Box 12787, St. Petersburg.

33733. Include starting salary APPRENTICE PRINTERS START YOUR CAREER WITH THE BEST 1303 can Irene- 191-4401 loaning PIE MAKERS S42WK, Guarantee Employment 1101 Central (fee) 147-1361 REAL ESTATE PROP6RTY TITLE 1 INSURANCE CLOSER (Not Fire Insurance) Mutt be AO-CURATE and DEPENDABLE anet oble to TYPE. day weak. It experienced starting salary IOO per week. 894-6891.

Appointment only. fl RECEPTIONIST Lovely Central Plaza branch of na WILLING to train PROGRAMMER with capacity to become DP MAN Snelllngfee AGER and assume all responsibilities GENERAL OFFICE $325mo ATTENTION! TV SERVICE TECHNICIANS Expansion Program In Progress AAA Employment S361Park Blvd. associated with Installation of IBM system 3 card (RPG). Prater accounting background. Excellent opportunity.

Salary negotiable, com NIGHT DESK CLERK For year round downtown hotel. Live-In, Character references required. Mr. Seeds, 898-4416 YOU LITTLE FEE AGENCY' Here's excellent opportunity to TRUCK TIRE SERVICE Experienced. Must tave Florid Drivers License.

Full timt. Apply BOB LEE'S I63l-4th St. N. Wouldn't you Ilk to be employed by GENERAL OFFICE learn highly skilled trad and build tional firm requires poise, eopear. mensurate with experience OR qualifications.

Send resume to Timet 1 Independent Box MC-46J. a secure career In fast growing ance end typing. I300-S325. (Fee) AC ACCOUNTS REC. OPEN Must Type, Lovely Office, Dayt CALL AAA ACTION LINE 194-4106.

5PM, 147-1997 AAA Employment 645-ltt. Ave. N. MEDICAL SALES FEE PD INTERVIEWS THIS WK CURATE PERSONNEL, 31 HV MAM tflrulr a.tahll.htd III 1st Ave. N.

S75TS TvplSf Net'l Co. ha local area opening for Th St. Petersburg Time and Eve surance Debit. Selling or public Con 568WK part Time Offic in treat fastest growing, largest most up to date TV Service Company? Offering top pay with Exceptional Benefltt fc Vary Bright Future. Color experience necessary.

Key people can make exceptional wages. Call Economy TV CENTERS for info on securing your future, S499-34th St. 527-7111, Charlie Shlosar. RECEPTIONIST ethical drug detailing. Need science YOUR LITTLE FEE AGENCY' ning Independent, Florida Best Newspapers, have Immediate open 170WK Office Train Medical ner experience neiptui out not necessary.

Guaranteed Income to start plus commission, Call 162-3924 for P- S329mo PART TIME Add 1275-1300 or mora per month to your present Income. Typical Times' carrier-salesmen work few early morning hour a day which do not Intartera with their regular employment or ether activities. Th Timet ha horn delivery route from Fort Myers to Tallahassee. Independent carrier talesman mak deliveries only tlx after, noons week and thalr earnings ra substantial, too. This It Ideal work for retired, teml-retlred persons, college students, housewives or regularly mployad men (taking extra Income.

A reliable ear and moderate cash bond are required. Soma routes, limited to trailer parkt, high-rise) or other apartment complexes, do not require a car and art Ideal for person living In or near such a location who desire to tarn 120-830 week with a vary minimum of time and effort. If you are Interested In more Information, call Mrs. Wlckman 894-1111, Ext. 508, between I a.m.

and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Or writ attention of Mr. J. Wlckman, Carrier Personnel. Circulation Department, St.

Petersburg Times-Independent, Post Office Box 1121, St. Petersburg, Florida 33731. ings for apprentices in the printing APARTMENT Manager. Honest couple. No experience necessary.

No Figure Clerk S75WK trades. poinimem. General Office I75WK children. 828-8681 Answer Phone Lite Typing 565 WK GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT Accountant Clerk TO S80WK If you have GOOD SPELLING skills, BURGER CHEP Need manager for on of thalr IIBANK TRAINEEII Typing Instructor 300mo sioi Central Avenue 347-1261 best Bay Area Restaurants. Good Receptionist or mktg.

degree with related tales expar. Car, expenses, bonus. Base salary SI.500. CM of Tampa, Inc. 320 Madison St.

Tampa 339-3741 I I ELECTRONICS PRODUCTION I I Technician familiar packaging, circuit trouble shooting, any power background. 1125 up. (Fee) ACCURATE PERSONNEL, 3110 1st Ave. N. Train mature woman If some knowledge bookkeeping.

8280. (Fee) ACCU strong mechanical Interests, and are ready to work and learn, we'll teach you to be skilled, competent crafts 8QWK jjjg p.rk Blvd Pk 544-685.) S7SWK AnnrnvH En MnM Artlin UPHOLSTERER WANTED Ton pay (or experienced man. Hunt-r'l Upholstery, III loth Avt. Palmetto, 723-6253. WAREHOUSE fir A-1 City Employment 0 lit Av.

N. WAREHOUSETRNE" $IT90HR AAA Employment 645-lst Av. N. "YOUR LITTLEFEE AGENCY" WELDERS-LABORERS Top wages, trlnq benefits. Culvert Mfg.

6250 62nd St. N. WORKERS for pneumatically applied concrete. Skilled or unskilled. Wa will train Laborers, finishers, nonle-men, gun operalors.

Call Tamp 933-3353. evenings. Clerk Typist salary, bonus opportunity. Billing Clerk Call W. Stewart La Rue at Clearwa RTclPTiONISf they see you i first-'.

RATE PERSONNEL, INC 3110-lSt Ave. N. FOR CLEARWATER trainee, pest control route. Permanent lob. Guaranteed salary plus commission.

Excellent fringe benefits. Above average earnings Over ege 36 preferred Phone 442-5161. YOUNG e7307alit, high commission. Call 362-6461. ter, 442-195S Posting Machine Tn 9r' PuBlle' 0rMt bos Olflca Cashier man.

You'll start tJ 28 par hour while training, and advance through your own performance and merit. You'll don't mist 1303 call Candy 896-4401 SKILLED -UNSKILLED 5101 Central Avenue 347-1261 cm, fCOft a BL etW. tCI I I IWIVIH I l.r if.M6l BARMAID wanted. Apply In parson. Big Bayou Tavern.

2947 6th St. So. BARMAID, experienced, PHONE 544-3204. "barmaids, dancers, modeTX 1250 salary and tip per week guar T60Nffamblt)out food manager or IS An opportunity for en exciting pro. ALUMINUM INSTALLERS for uatla roofs, tern, rms, cabanas also profit through an unbeatable "extras" program Including Profit Sharing, Pension Plan, Life and Machine operator trainee start at fesslonal career to management srf manager trainee.

High school educa 52.25 per hour. Unskilled workare tlon required. Excellent opportunity Health, and Disability Insurance. iioikl r-KiuAYii the employment tieta, nu expeki (Fee Negotiable) Basic bookkeeping, I ENC 6 NECESSARY HS grad. tor nard working and intelligent per ate.

3 lead men FIRST CLASS mechanic ONLY. Waget open, 45 hrs, 5 days, paid St. Pat' oldest alum, products r. Busch- Cost-of-Llving plan, Liberal Paid Yard man sTWR anteed. Apply In person, Th House, 4020 66th St.

N. St. Petersburg, or son. Salary open, Sir Lucas Stand- start at 11.95 par hour. Many fringe benefits.

Each tmplove hat an quel and fair opportunity to ad good work background, ability tolpref. Earningi to 112.000, bonus, work without tupervlslen. Salary vacation, Int. Phone Mr. Canaday, Vacations, and many more.

wlch Innt of America Inc. new Call 343-2742. fast-growing national chain. 196-6574 5125. ACCURATE reKaUNNcL, 347-1261 Guarantee Employment 1181 Central (fee) 947-1361 You'll work five NIGHTS out of th Mastercraft, 3880-76th Ave.

N. ST. JUDE'S, Janitor for 25 apart. vene, CULVERT MFG. CO.

31 10-1 St Av. N. BeAUTlCIAfTTlflthlTongTTuTl time, year-round, Central Plaza area. or 446-9828 for appointment, "REGISTERED NURSES ffETAIL Super Markets: Trainees Ctll 194-9145 for IP- week (roughly 5 p.m. to 1 hours) which will leave your dayt free for family and recreational ac Commission, Vacation.

Fair Style 6250 62nd St. N. Pinellas Park RETIRED man to do lawn malnte-nanc for professional office). 894- for store manager, assistant manag menti, Salary or beautiful apart-ment. 898-3545- Opening NOW for man with soma GO-GO-GIRL, polntment.

er. Grocery, meat, produce manager uto dealership experience. Lots of Beauty Salon, 3641-5th Ave. $94-4991; Mlldren Coleman 544-1144 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS 3138. EXPERIENCED Service writer need room for advancement-good wages HOUSEKEEPER Live-In, for 1 par ASSISTANT MANAGER tivities.

Ta loin BHiri staff which lookt MONEYS' BEAUTICIAN Year roundTguaran- son. Nursing xperiencl Evenings -I row I See Doyle Cobb. Scarrltt Mo ed. Good pay, high Incentive. Charlie Harris Pontlae 1165 Cleveland tee piu commission.

Tyrone area. 525-4J1 CHARGE nurses end staff nurses Cafeteria or restaurant experience necesary. Apply after 4pm, Heine- tors. S55-34trt St. S.

MALI COMPANiON-wltn nlc per- 345-3020. progressively forward to new Ideas and better ways to produce Florida's needed on evening and night BEAUTICIANTwIth foirowlngTTownrt mann's Cafeteria, 3635 49th St, Disston Plata. tonality for man. Must have car. thiftt, Excellent salary with lib- A phon call can ttart you on a new profitable cereer.

Call Ken Hutted, 898-3146 between 10:30 and 12 noon HOUSEKEEPER Companion. Nice Horn for settled Woman for elderly lady. Live in. 1150 month. 2919-lth Steady employment good salary.

oral evening and night dlffrn. see us a.m. to iz noon, Monday through Frldayi or call 694-1111, Personnel Department, to ar most fashionable taion. insurance, top pay, vacation. Style House, EXPERIENCED Flexo label press tial Contact personnel offic.

Ave. N. today, operator. si2i weekly, second snitt. positions.

Stat background in reply. Top wages, employee benefit. Good opportunity to build secure future. Reply Time Independent Box MD-22. MAN for Delivery.

Panel Truck, mostly tmall packages City and beaches. Apply K. Smith Co. 336 Central Ave, ASSISTANT Manager Ladles Wear department. Experienced desired.

Rapid advancement for qualified person. Apply: Personnel department, Woolco Department Store, 115 44th Ave. W. 755-8521, Bradenton. range another time.

writ stating age, references, etc. P. 0. Box 431, Bradenton, "ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA" Tampa, 323-4469. Restaurant Manager Trainee HOUSEKEEPER Cook-Own Trans Clearwater.

Contact Jerry White, 446 0136 TRI-TECH OF FLORIDA 5151 Park St. N. 544-8836 Mechanical Inspector experienced In ob shop for plastics Si metal. Apply in person, HOSPITALIZATION AIR CONDITIONED NEW PLANT PAID VACATION PAID HOLIDAYS portation 1PM Thru Dinner, Five Must have some food experience. RETIREE, afternoon delivery mo-bile horn parks.

Mr, Anton, Rlssar Bayfront Medical Center, Inc. MOUND PARK HOSPITAL 701 6th St. S. 194-1161 Days. Permanent 525-1238.

looking tor full or part tlm rep Company benefits. William Tally Fuel Oil, 544-8826. resentatives. Call 191-9772. HOUSEKEEPER And cook.

Relia House U.S. 19 North, Tarpon Springs. 9374)110, ask for Mr. Papp; I LUNG creftk-Calculator and posting machine. Building material experience preferred.

Adamek Builders Supply, 5805 Park Pinellas Park. BOOKKTEPER TOPS AAA Employment 5381 Park Blvd. "YOUR LITTLE FEE AGENCY" ELECTROLUX ble and unencumbered. References. NOExperlence required.

Afternoons NEEDS 3 MEN FOR Mature. Live In. Good driver. Two In 3 hours 5 days. Driven License, PART TIME ST.

PETERSBURG TIMES AND EVENING INDEPENDENT Times Personnel Office 4th Floor, Timet Building 490-1 st S. St. Petersburg, Florid REGISTERED NURSE as Resident, student health service dayt week; no weekends, fringe benefits. Florid Presbyterian College 867-1166 Ext. 44 194-4614 family.

SI60 par month. Write Mrs. SALES SERVICE Timet A Independent Box MC-471. c. cerrigan 475 palmer Ave nue.

Winter Park, Florida REGISTERED NURSE to work Utility work In Dietary Department. to $1.65 per hour. Apply Sun Coast Hospital, Personnel Office 2025 Indian Rock Largo. Housework, S9. for 6 hours, Monday- OKKEEPER day, 4 day week, physician offic.

i nursoay. rwust nave own transporta -lOI-OOIII OTD-TOJJ LET A tion. References. Timet Indepen 584-21 Bl. DO IT RN or LPN opening soon avail- dent BOX MD-17.

able. Must have Florida license. Re INTERVIEWER WANTED for part hahilltation Manor. 196.73rd Ave, N. FULL CHARGE-HEAVY LEDGER Bankert Fire Casualty Insurance Co.

needs responsible person for bookkeeping position. 5 day week. Salary open. Paid vacations and Insurance benefits. Apply 1033-34th St.

room 206. See Mrs. Elliott TRI-TECH OF FLORIDA 5151 Park St. 544-8836 DECISION $150 $250 PER WEEK rime reiepnone survey worx, noi 525-9456, A directory of home, personal and business services. selling 100.

uive pnon numoer ana stat If private or party line. Air RN, 6-lOpm 5151 Park St. 544-8836 mail letter Including education, work I We need a good dependable RN to Needed experienced turret lathe op There come tlm In every man't BOOKKEEPER beautiful place for experience and names of references work apm to 10pm schedule, 4 erator with hit own tools. Also life when he must stop end take capable one to handle facts and fig- ROOFING SIDING LANDSCAPING LAWNS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AIR COND. HEATING needed experienced toolmakert.

Ap stock of himself, then make up his to: overnight surveys Department, days one week and 3 dayt next. New American Research Bureau, 4320 nursing home. Apply 10am to 4pm' Ammendale Road, Beltsvllle Mary- dally 1735-9th St. S. ply in person.

mind as to what he want out of life McCANN ROOFING tiding repairs. JOHN BAKER Electrician Quali ASHBY SHAVER lawn service. 544-3947, 525-1785. Commercial, resi ures, Hurry. $347.

Call Candy 896-4401 Snelllng Snelllng Personnel-fee CABINET painters Installation, hardware and sanding. Experienced. 33 yrs. axp. Free estimates.

Lie, fied Licensed. 894-7916 evenings land 20705. and Insured. All work guar. 527-2424 dential.

Power raking. Free esti Hospitalization New air conditioned plant Paid holidays Paid vacations LIFE INSURANCE Experience. Electric-Gas-Heat pump-All types Deal with a reliable firm-Free Est. AUTOMATIC 894-7618 COOLING HEATING OUR 31st Yr. "ACCOUNTING SERVICES mates.

for himself and family, Som men get In a rut and never have a desire to earn more than S4O0-S50O per month. If you ar sat RN ICU II Any Kind Roofing, Expert on Alum. Ideal Furniture Cabinet Shop jji- cellent opportunity to get ahead. IBM 7002. Also Guttering.

Satis. Guaranteed. RETIRED? Want a little extra executive typewriter, calculate pro Free Est, BILL GREEN 392-2430 CAR WASH HELP-WINDOW WASH- BILL THE GARDENER Rotary Tilling Pruning Mowing 544-0816 696-1625 COULTER ELECTRiC545-7856 Best Rates In Town, Satis. Guar FREfs Est. 8, Electric Inspection KELLY ELECTRIC 862-231 Call Us 8, Save Satisfaction Guaranteed.

FREE Estimates FILL SOIL SHELL SAND Excellent salary, benefits shift dlf.4 posals, audit policies, dictaphone. money for Christmas shopping? Jani isfied with earning this amount. TOP QUALITY, LOWEST PRiCET ERS-Apply In person. Chick' car ferential. ST.

PETERSBURG GEN Fringe benefits. Call Mr. Sims, 196- torial task. 8-11 AM, 7 day week. pleese do not answer this ad, you Shingle Flat Roofs.

All Repairs Wash, 661 16th St. N. ERAL HOSPITAL, 6500-38th Ave. 4638 Openings In Clearwater St. Peters would not be satisfied working with LAWNMOWER SERVICE 347-5171.

NITED ROOFING CO. 347-9580, burg. Apply 530 31st St. S. 898-5118.

CAREER GIRL KEYPUNCH OPERATORS a llvewire organization where other Inc COMPLETE SERVICE For Small Business Wadham Tax Accounting Co. 60J6 Central Ave. Phone 343-3843 LAWN MAINTENANCE Over II, accurate typist, train right ALL Shift Top pay Temporary 6 N.nosltlon fftoen en 7-1 shift. Call ROOFING 525-4511 LAWNMOWERS repaired In a Service Truck at your home. Reasona men are doing better than you are.

But If you ar th type of person girl for management. $75 Must be reliable. Permanent, year KELLY GIRL Mrs. Brown, 194-3093 for further ln Reroofing Repairs. Immediate ser ble, sutton Mower co.

30-2010. CALL kMPLUTMENI round, full time. Apply at Topsoil-Sand-Peat-Shell-Fill Dirt M.S. Davis 5060-2 1st Ave. N.

343-51J7 ANYJIMEJ43-441I H. M. SHAFFER, 6220 67th Ave. ff. Fill Dirt, top toll, shells delivered.

544-4517 evenings after 5pm. vice. No lob too small. Reasonable. who does desire to earn $10,000 and 300 Bldg.

W. Wl1t wmattea. ALTERATIONS 6712 Central (Fee) 345-0161 MAID SERVICE Licensed. Insured. Free Est up per year, in order to give vour KITCHEN HELP I90WK KN IN5IKUWUK CASHIEPTCTERK $93 WK TOWN APARTMENT! 2100 62nd AVE.

N. (between 4-5 PM only) ALTERATIONS, Expert Fitting and family the better things In life, check ROOFING Carpentry. Repairs and Guarantee Employment D.rm.nt iim Mandav Guarantee Employment the following qualifications: reroofing. satisfaction guaranteed. 5101 Central (fee) 347-1261 throuoh Thursday, to teach varloui- 5580 Park Blvd PP (fee) 544-8851 A Complete New Maid Service CALL 862-6153 Sewing.

By appointment, 361-7805, St. pet Beach. i-ree Estimates. 345-9755, LPN 3 11pm. Fringe Benefits, phases of medical field.

Call Lawn sand, 1 yd. free with 5 yd. order. Top toll 8, fill dirt. Cura.

Reliable Trucking Co. 525-0279) 527-4385. CASHIER 5 DAYS $64 CALL EMPLOYMENT ROOF Repairs new roofs, reroof- Reasonable and Free Transportation EXPERT Alterations-Reasonable. By FLORIDA REGISTERED uuuu way wunaytj nurstng irvniv Tin 1 44VI31. High School Education Neat Aggressive Ambitious Ing.

Free estimates. yean expert- 5t. Bt 7IST AV. N. 5277231.

Cleaning Ironing Child Care 6712 Central (fee) 345-0111 RNT FLOOR CLEANING appointment, 4075 30th Av. N. Mr Charles. 525-0044; enced. 544-6737.

1 riM CLERK TYPIST $75WK Have Late Model Car. MATTRESS REPAIRING Ooanlnoa In various services on the ti Roof Repairs, all types CLEAR-VIEW Will Clean Polish Guarantee Employment 25 Yrs. kxp. ah work Guar- Lie. 5101 Central (fee) 347-1261 7-3 11-7 shifts.

Fringe benefits, ho 11 11 to 7 shifts. Excellent! competitive salaries. Apply Director working condition Si benefit. Apply ALTERATIONS, All Type. Draperies, Expert Workmanship.

Pickup, Dellv-or. Reasonable. 526-6649. All TYPES OF Mattresses, Box springs, pillows expertly renovated. If you have these qualifications, we will tee that you get the training at Ins.

FREE Est. 526-5192 Any Type Floor Professionally. Quality Guar. 862-1341 FURNITURE. REPAIR CTERK-accounts payable.

Accurate or Nursing, Roseoaie Kestorium, My-1 personnel Dept: RE ROOF REPAIRS Carpentry ECHOLS SLEEP SHOP typist. John's Pass Seafood, 363-1871 our expanse. This is not lust a lob; 54th Ave. 527-731S Mon. thru ST.

ANTHONY'S H05PITAI Painting. Room Additions Etc. 1922-40 CENTRAL CALL 662-1382 but a position that offers rapid APPLIANCE RbFINISHIHG "DAlrlnrntflr look new With OUr 601-12th St. N. St.

Petersburg 9AM-2PM. FURNITURE, Repairing: Glueing, CLERK Typist 5 day, 40 hour week. Accuracy and speed typing re 20 Yrs. Exp. Locally, FREE Est.

promotion with one of the largest MllBlLTHOMrSTRVICt FOR PHONE SOLICITOR Scratches, nicks, cigarette burnt re Ross L. Fast Gen. Contr, 525-0890 MACHINEBOOKKEEPER OPEN baked enamel finish. Relrig. loaned quired.

Downtown location. 662-9587. moved. Phone 526-6563 MOBILE Homes or travel Trailer re- CALL 698-9772 HOOF PAINTING AAA Employment 5533 Central Ave, Bake-On Reflnishing 896-5377 REFRIG. BAKED ENAMEL co*ckTAIL WAITRESS, Part time.

Apply 4pm-6pm. Pink Panther liARUtN HOSE YOUR LITTLE FEE AGENCY' pairs Free Estimate 626-2644 WASHING by Insured professional SALAD WOMAN companies of Its kind In the nation. See, or call, Andy Trottl at Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, 451 34th St. N. between 11-12 noon and pm today! STATION Attendant and lubrication ROOFS CLEANED PAINTED A-l Mechanics Acrylic Lounge, 368-150th Madeira MAID, $1.65 per hour 8, transporta loan up a.

Deliver For free estimate call 526-1070. GARDEN HOSE REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT. FACTORY METHOD. Beach tion. Imperial Motel, 11300 Gulf Orange State Roofing Co.

345-0141 Experienced, good hours, good sale--ry. Apply Bradford's Coach I900-4m St. N. APPLIANCE Reflnishing Co. 531-3680 "APPLIANCE REPAIR Treasure Island.

COMPANION (woman) for elderly MOVING, TRUCKING, STORAGE GOODYEAR, 1830 Central, 862-1818 Fend Roof Coating. Roofs cleaned man. Local reference. Apply 900 4th woman. 4 davs weekly.

8AM-2 GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS and painted with 6 year guarantee. St. N. $52WK up MCE CLINIC PPLIAI No housework. No weekends.

345- REX Local Moving. Experienced. 525-8976. Evenings and Sunday. 544- Si 65.

House painting and pressure Guarantee Employment MAJOR Aooliances. All makes. Mod 4024, after 3PM. Veart NEAT Work. 30 Experience.

8279; 544-3036. cleaning, lan jza-zniz attar 5101 Central (fee) 347-1261-. els. Emergency ervlce. Low trip ROUTE SALESMAN Established route Must be over 25.

Chauffer' License required. Fringe benefits. Free Estimates, James Taylor, COMPANION housekeeper cook to ROOF cleaning my specialty. Free SALAD LADY, Experienced. Apply- live-in with 894-091 Charge, b-moo.

elderly lady. Call Mr, GRAND RX DRUGSTORES In TAMPA-ST. PETERSBUR9 (GRAND WAY DIVISION estimates. Call 527-3317, alter 1pm, Times Independent Box MD-25 IMMEDIATE service All makes of Miller, 896-5611, extension 341. REYNOLDS Aluminum or Galva in person, Wynn's Restaurant, 1239-4th St.

S. SCREENS PART or full time man rebulldlna BOB'S MOVING 544-2800 Small Large Jobs, Work Anytlm EXPERIENCED WHITE DRIVERS CARMEL TRANSFER "Pianos Si Organs Our Specialty INSURED HAULING-862-4741 525-6673 Year round position. Starting Salary to $60. Weekly Depending on experience. Six days, 8:45 am to 3:00 pm.

Group Hospitalization and other benelits. The Alden Motel-Apartments, 5900 Gulf St. Petersburg Beach. An Equal Opportunity employer. 360-7081 nized.

Guaranteed, reasonable. Free C5MPTNl6N(active) For convales SATES erof FicE SToTl vacuum cleaners, experienced motor estimates. Ray's Gutter-Screen ser cing adult woman. 8AM-4PM. Tempo Guarantee Employment worx.

2244 Central Ave. rary, own transportation. j4-6vuj, 5580 Park Blvd PP (fee) 544-8851 Speciallng in Roofing t. Siding Screens Repaired Screen Ventt Replaced. LIFETIME ALUMINUM SHINGLE, 1037-9th St.

896-5705 vice, 581-3650; 392-8627 HAULING after 5PM Sheet Metal Mechanic COOK Experienced, full time, top SALESWOMAN Experienced, full tlm Ladles accessories Sj children ppliances, refrigeration and air condliienifig. 362-6063, anytime. ART-PORTRAITS THE Ideal Glttl Pastel portrait of yourself, child, pet from lite nd photos. I25-J50. 544-8547 "ASPHALT MAINTWARtJ IeaLTnG Driveway and Parking Lots.

10 veart experience. Llcented. WHITE MAN HAULS ANYTHING" salary. Candle Glow Nursing Home, LOU BOB'S ALUMINUM Aircraft experience preferred. Must STiuWk NURSERY STOCK llM PLANTS TO CHOOSE Ltgustrum, Palms Many Other, MARY'S NURSERY 1124 37th St.

MAID wear. 501-Central Ave. 302-1 5th St. nave toors. steady work.

Benefits. Guarantee Employment Prompt, Reasonable. BILL 546-1256 SCREEN ROOMS CARPORTS 544-6285 531-3278 SECRETARY Pleasant working Apply 9-5. 5101 Central (fee) 347-1261 TRASH Hauling, Garage Cleaning COOK 5 day 40 hour week. 2 days 6am to 2pm and 3 days 10am to 6 "SEAWALL CONSTRUCTS C.

J. STOLL INC. Reliable Service. White Man. 626- I.DIIUIIIUIia.

UUUU Vl.ailll MAIDS apply In person Brlghtwater starting salary, S380. Call Mrt. Light Roa.h iUnttai (inn ft 1 it' BtuH 1 pm. Benefits Include hospitalization, 5466; 525-9794 PAINTING 6ouPYLf" Quality work; paid vacation, and holidays. Excel 5985 34th St.

N. St. Pete Painting Contractor Free estimate. 525-4819. 544-6900.

HAULING, Garages, Attics, Gutter MAID Experienced In home clean secretarV iULLY EXPERl. lent worklno conditions. Contact THE WESTCoast Marine Construction. Install and Repair. Sea Walla, Dock, Davits.

free estimates. 544- BUILDINS INSPECTOR I neededTv Cleaned. Palms Trimmed. Prompt, ing and Ironing. Twic weekly, 526- ALHAMBRA, 7501 -38th Ave.

N. 345- 2V01. the City of St. Petersburo. Hlah iTOTOTTRAfiSMISSfONS uviTUFY AUTO SERVICE 7879.

9307 17 years axp. 867-2481 PAINTING, General Repairs. Free School Graduation, Stat Hloh ENCED AS RECEPTIONIST BOOKKEEPER. DICTAPHONE TRANSCRIBING SHORTHAND NOT REQUIRED. FAMILIAR WITH MAID, Steady employment.

See Mrs. Estimates, No Job Too Small. Carl Expert Brake Si Front End Repairs SECRETARIAlTSERVlCt uipioma, or ijtu certificate with 3 Sherman, Quality Motel, 1200 34th St. 546-1850, COUNTER Help for fast food busl-ness. Work In pleasant surroundings.

Must be neat In appearance. No experience necessary. Apply In person, years experience et supervisory Anytime, 347-7573 ANDY'S General Hauling, Reasona-ble rates. Fast-Reliable. College Stu- dent.

343-3119. FREECTEANING" Garages Attic Cellar for usable contents. Palmetto 722-6239 IM. TYPING STENQ Services Profas- PAINTING Decorating, Don't Give 3001 9thSt.N.'Slnc 1946" 82Wi "AUTO AIR CONDITIONING evci in ino ouuoina nausrrv. Mini.

"MAID sionaiiy done in your office or ours. MEDICARE RULES, WITHHOLD-ING TAX PROCEDURE, UNEMPLOYMENT TAX RULES, SALES TAX REGULATIONS AND BE NOT Out Your Job Until You Get My sary special qualifications: certified Wagon-HO, 1290 Pasadena Ave. S. 896-3633 parTlme SERVICES bsrimatei can ulocn, tti-ayus. Immediate opening, to 3pm, AAFCentral Garage, expert saiet a.

mamlea of all makes. 3rd St. 3rd as a noioer of a Certificate of Com-patency and General Contractor IICREDIT ASSISTANTII OF THE GRAND UNION CO.) EXCELLENT STARTING SALARY-COMPLETE PROGRAM OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CALL COLLECT: MR. LARRY BOYAJIAN (305)-885-2531 Repairs, Interior, ExTerT- SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 5 day week, Friday and Saturday DISMAYED AS MORE ORDERS, Will train all facets of finance, some or. Quality Work, Free Estimates Av.

862-7881. Register for free off. $1.65 hour. Sun Coast Hospital, REGULATIONS. REVISIONS AND (Class B) by the City of St Petersburg, with 5 veart experience a AUD NG, Garage cleaning.

White man. Prompt service. Low rates. 544-6723. SEPTIC TANK repairs.

Guaranteed figure ability. $300. (Fee) ACCU Ken, 525-5621. Personnel Office, 2025 Indian Rocks COMMANDS ARRIVE FROM WASH. serv.

Morris Septic Tank, Inc. 2100- RATE PERSONNEL, 3110-lSt Class or Class contractor In St. autu air conditioner! AWNING'S Largo. 584-2181. INGTON.

5 DAY 40 HOUR WEEKf PA I NT I NG, Repairs, Interior, exterl or. No lob too tmall. Westerman, 3rd Ave. SO 662-6162. Ave.

N. Petersburg. Excellent frlnae SALARY OPEN. APPLY BY LET MEDICAL RECEPT: $7075 JERRY'S General Hauling. Garage Cleaning, Trash, Rubbish.

Fast, Reliable. 527-1227. sewing Machine SEirwct 34J-Z6ZZ TER ONLY, ROBERT i. NEEDLES Credit clerk fascinating position wonderful boss no pressure CUStOM CANVAS AWNINGS, Porch rovers-Window Shades Monthly salary range: $567.67 minimum; $686.83 maximum. For Information and details, contact ttie Civil AAA Employment 645-lst.

Ave. N. MP, 615-I1TH ST. N. PAINTING And repairt.

For quick 'YOUR LITTLE FEE AGENCY ARTBILT Co. 3620-lBth Ave 867-3103 MOVING and garage cleaning, today. SEWING MACHINE CONSULTANTS Adjustments Complete Overhauling service; free estimates. Call Bob, SHIRT FINISHER Service Commission Office. Cltv Hall sharp fern $325 call Irene 696-4401 Snelllng Snelllng Personnel-fee Credit assistant $300mo After 5PM 525-2560.

525-7875 BEDDING STERILIZED M0NU6RAMMERS All Makesl NECCHI ELNA CENTER Annex, 440 2nd Ave. St. Peters Year round permanent position. 5'4 I RIOR Exterior. Guarenteed 1640-9th Ave.

N. B96-5135 burg. Guarantee Employment day week. Experience desired. 544 GENERAL hauling almost any-thing.

Large tmall trucks. Clean out any size-free est. Andy 391-2467. lowest prices, best work. Free esti ME Earn extra money In pleasant surroundings, temporary positions avail 5580 Park Blvd PP (fee) 544-8851 0503 One Hour Martlninng.

mates. 525-6174 SENIOR PROGRAMMER COUNSElOR To $500mo. PAINT-CONTRACTOR, LICENSED, white Man-ngni naunng, garage able for experienced monogrammers THO'AAS Hand Painted Signs. Trucks Lettered. All Type.

Reasona Guarantee Employment EXTENSION 307 OR 308 STENOS-TYPISTS-SECRETARIEV PARTIME FAST, NEAT, RELIABLE, LOW in our air conditioned work room. Ml)SYY-ODOR Sterilize) Bedding 1 Renovate Mattrest, Box Springs 4 Pillows WILSON Mattress 696-8636 'BLACKTOP SEALING SERVICE leal Asphalt Pavement Now 526-1581 Parking Lots-Driveways, Free Est. ASPHALT PAVEMENT SEALER CO. cleaning. 7 days-nights.

Free estimates. 347-2026 5101 Central (fee) 347-1261 RATES 20 YRS. EXP. 527-3755 Will consider housewives with expert. ble.

Prompt, 527-6967 COUNTER GIRL TO $88WK Military service completed. Minimum 2 yeart college end 2 years programming experience In Easy Coder or Auto Coder. Must be capable of assuming full programming responsibil FRANK 0CT7 PAINT SPECIAL by HEARING AIDS ence on contract basis in thalr homes. Apply personnel department, Guarantee Employment AMERICA'S FINEST TEMPORARY SERVICES NO FEE 196-3633 3002 Central Exterior S99. Interior S20 room OME IN-FREE ultrasonic ear mold AUTO SPEEDOMETER SERVICE" io-spm.

Call 525-9711. GLIDDEN PAINT Used 51 01 Central (fee) 347-1261 DENTAL Assistant experienced. 4Vj cleaning. FREE HEARING TEST, 'CA3INETMAKING 30 pet. off parts labor.

Guaranteed Cables 48c. 500-9th St. S. 862-2992 ACCOUSTICON, 63 Ave. PAINTING repairs.

No ob too small Immediate service. Georg DeMint. Store Manager ities, a Dove average salary range. Send complete resume to P.O. Box 338, Bradenton, Fla 33505.

days. Excellent working conditions! OR WRITS THE GRAND UNION CO. 950 SE 12th ST. MAAS BROTHERS STORE FOR HOMES 4130 Gandy Tampa. Equal Opportunity Employer VANCO, OMNITONE, I Call 867-8398.

526-1185. Priced from 129. FLORIDA SPEEDOMETER SERV, "FOR BEST PRICES" 3300 CENTRAL 896-1236 RAY ARNOLD, 896-6769 CUSTOM MADE CABINETS Formica Tops 8. Store Infer Ion REbO existing kitchen cabinets and tops with mic Wood Specialties, HOPE HEARING AID SERVICE 21 5. Preparation For Employment LET US RECOMMEND A GOOD PAINTER 8, GOOD PAINTS LOWE BROTHERS CO.

894-3052 Local Co Will Train IMMED S120WK DENTAL ASSISTANT Experienced preferred. Write Times Independent Box MO-460 stating age and qualifications. NURSERY" Scfiool helper RTgh 11 th St. 821-7701 TELEVISION SERVICE GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT sen ooi graauate. Timet 4 indepen- EATER SERVICl PAINTING: Interior Exterior.

Free aem box mc 46B. 198-6307, 3101 Central Avenue 347-1261 5580 Perk Blvd Pk 544-8851 CLERK S100WK GUAR. TV REPAIRS, 862-6509 Estimates. Satisfaction guaranteed, Florida College of Medical Dental Assistants 1700 A N.West Shore Blvd. Tampa Ladies ph877-756S collect Are you looking for training In a CHIMNEYS, Oil Heaters, Cleaned DESI 5580 CARPENTERS NURSES AIDE 7-3 PM Approved Fee and Action Call collect Tampa 935-8846.

Guarantee Employment Park Blvd PP (fee) 544-8851 S3.50 Up. Tanks Checked. Walter STOCK CLERK" SetW'R Bookman, 525-5040. C. CLARK -544-4061 Philco-Zenlth-RCA-GE Motorola-Westinghouse ASHEVILLE RADIO-TV CO, PAINTERSI Cub's Paints will supply you.

Movedl 4606 Central, 347-331 1 PERMANENT POSITION Guarantee Employment DR'S RECEPTIONIST $2HR specialized field? Be ture to check today's Instruction Classification! HOME CLEANING Remodel-Repalrs-ADDITIONS ra-jTcraIs s2i-754i SUNDIAL Painting, Exterior, Interi CALL EMPLOYMENT iw tnru 1951 Excellent Working Conditions 5101 Central (fee) 347-1261 TYPISTS Experienced In general 852 Central, FREE Parking In Rear ALL REPLIES CONFIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL Cleaning of win or. Licensed. Insured. Prompt. Rea- 6712 Central (fee) 345-0181 Anv Repairs or Odd Jcbs, Replace Kastle TV, 526-7744, Your Home WOULD TRAIN RIGHT PERSON ottice procedures.

Need not be a dows, walls, floors, Bonded, Insured sonabie Rates, gva-oioi. Screens, Paint Panel Wk. Free Est, Save SIS Bring Work to Shop. Sales, speed demon. Come In, 3002 Central CERAMICS STORE Full or part time for pouring molds.

Pleasant working conditions. 345-0053, before Want to be an ANNOUNCER DISC JOCKEY or NEWSCASTER? work Good Free estimates. 892-2722 anytime. EXECUTIVE SECT? TOPS AAA Employment 645-lst Ave N. GOOD Paint Good price, Free estimates.

Whitehall Convalescent Home 3898-46th Ave. N. Hrs. Sat. 11 CARPENTRY, Home Repairs, or call 896-3633.

PARTIME. Licensed. 525- Dirty Work? You Bet We'll Do It, 5PM. NO Big Repair billsl House call: YOUR LITTLE FEE AGENCY" WAITRESSES-full-part time. Over 21.

Big or Small Jobs, Floors-Windows Prompt Service. Licensed. Reasona-be. Dick Cherry, 347-0017. 5601-31st ST.

S. Call Columbia School of Broad- $2.50. Color, Black and white Facto Jumbos, 950-34th St. N. FACTORY $64WK Walls, FREE Estimates, WALDEN'S WE WANT YOU IF: casting, 894-6897.

Free brochure. ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL PAINT JOB GUARANTEED BY MEL BORGES ry, guaranteed picture tubes Va 1 INTVELD Trim Specialists CLEANING SERVICE, 544-0917. Guarantee Employment NURSES AIDES LPN WAiTElSESTfipeTlenced. To work" cvn.ri.nH In newly decorated dining room. Best price.

Discount prices to senior cit 5101 Centrai (fee) 347-1261 LOW, FREE ESTIMATES 527-3755 Exterior Repairs Kemoaeiing I lr 1 Inl 347-3514 345-8356 1 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS Screens 6, Window replacement hare worklno condition. In St Pr working conditions. Gulf Lan izens Earl Way TV, Graduate electronic technician. 20 yeart experi FACTORY TRAINEE CUSTOM PAINTING $65 you are genuinely Interested In the mobile home industry. We offer steady work and good pay to experienced workers.

Apply In person. Twin Lakes Inc. 950 Coachman Rd. Clearwater. CARPENTRY Home Motel, Phone Mr Harris, 595-2591.

burg's newest convalescent center ence. 896-6550; 896-48ty Quality workmanship 30 Yean. To be trained on 026 and 029 kev- AAA Employment 5533 Central Ave, ware. TROP CAL HOME SERVICE model Ina. Cabinet Making.

Guaran ZENITH Sales Service YOUR LITTLE FEE AGENCY Exp. For people with an eye for 425-33rd Ave. N. 694-4357) 694-4919 puncn macnines. mo previous experi Phone 345-9331 for Interview.

NURSE AIDES 7-3 SHIFT WAITRESSES FULL time business mens club. Apply mornings manager Commerce rink VIA Uasa IICI.IV' Aua kl perfection, Mr. Neighbors, 544-5238 ence or typing skill needed. We will teed WorkDave, 343-4173, interior Designs Donnarlet B.mMWaLDjinjtir.Trlm 8, Formica MIDGET TV RADIO 1900 16th St. 896-7096 train youl Call C.T 896-9684.

215. Preparation For Employment ARBY'S COUNTERMAN AWNING WINDOWS-JALOUSIES DOORS-PORCHES ENCLOSED HOUSE WINDOWS REPLACED GEORGE W. SCHALLER OTIS THOMAS interior exterior decorating painting contractor. Free uorir. Free Est.

345-3479; 391-3071 4V UlUtfi i -i vi nt. il BIXBY COMPUTER CENTER COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Full time openings. Excellent chance salary 6, benefits ST PETERS WAITRESSESTNight shift biidX ai ui-bit 8PM-3AM. Good tips. Experience pre- estimates.

829-6831 PAINTING 8. PAPER HANGING CUSTOM Designed Kitchen Patios Enclosed. Free Esti DON'S TV SERVICE 7440 59th St. N. 544-9626 AREA'S Largest TV Co.

Color ex- for advancement. Apply 571 -34th st, 4950-34th St. No. 525-1142 Recorded message plays night 6- day 2226-4th St. N.

898-1388 AWNING and single hung windows N. no phone cans. mates. Call 525-9864 38th Ave 347517T ferred, not essential. Apply In person join Ave.

44-6II. bnn nth tinri. inh Residential Mobile Homes, Neat Clean Work. L. W.

Terry, 343-2736 FULL and part-time Janitors and Installed. Allowance tor laiousict, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII II CARPENTER STA perts. Radio Dispatched Trucks. ECONOMY TV CENTER 527-711) TibbettS. 34S-79B4.

waxers needed for St. Pete and Clearwater Area. Call Tampa 229- NURfErTiDrlTvenn-rTvTIeiii. L. CUSTOM Remodeling, Ceilings low- Anything Interior or Exterior mei rt.w vecaiwn, i leava.

ae mrs. PAINTING, Interior-Exterior, Expert workmanship; Estimates cheerfully given. Work guaranteed. Call Jim 345-5581 8131. .7..: kms, 125 56m Ave.

s. ered. Paneling, Floors leveled. Rot TARPtT CLEANING" I Want to hear a groovy recording! TERRAZZO FLOORS RESIDENT IAT COMMERCIAL biiu aiiumuiaica ann, leave. mnTBeff pT" T2 il ted sills replaced.

Blocks, ttone and Pay accordina to ab tv. Mason womeu. Exceiwn pay, Train to be a NURSE AIDE ORDERLY Enroll now for 9 week course beginning Oct. 20, 1969. Hours to Contact TOMLINSON ADULT EDUCATION CENTER 296 Mirror Lake Drive "CLEAR-VIEW 862-1341 Expert concrete work.

232-9671 TERRAZZO FLOORS REFINISHED Home of Florida. l25-35nd Ava. vacation. Time and naif for PAINTING, Holiday Seasons Special. overtime.

Apron allowance. Hospitall Delta Terrazzo; 391-4900 free Est. 20 percent off estimate. Oswin 526- 862-7369 EXCEPTIONAL SALES OPPORTUNITY ANGEL0 IvlARCUCCIO 1005; Wennerlund 343-3080 about FLYNN 5 OFFICE GIRL Inventory Control TREE SERVICE zatlon plan. Apply In person: Dutch Pantry Restaurant, 34th Central, 694-9874.

FLAGSTONE STONE WORK PATIOS WALKS Carpet Cleaning on locotidr. FREE ESTIMATES, Satis. Guat CARPEriNSTALLATION iALES7lnstallations and reprfft, any carpeting. Mitch Saad. Anytime experience desirable.

Also Alert Of PAPERING fice Girl. 5 days, pleasant working BS.B TREE SERVICE, Oaks, Pines Topped Taken Out by Roots. We All Kinds of Masonry Work 823-6301 If you have the unique characteris WAITRESS, Night. Numerous bene- conditions, many fringe benefits, J. RALPH DANIELS WALLPAPERING 347-4292 tics to qualify for the sales field, we HOME REPAIRS Economy TV Centers.

5499-34th St i Call: 391-9098 will pay up to $650 per month for fitt. Apply In person. Ranch House Restaurant. Number 10, US 19, Clearwater. 220.

Help Wanted female call Lucille, 526-1111 for appoint, Where QUALITY PREDOMINATES your talents, we offer a new car Grind Stumps. Lie. Ins. 546-1847, A. L.

KING SOLOMON 862-3208 Top-Trim-Surgery-Removal Since 1946 Fully Insured "EXPERT TREE SERVICE" fAST'STTOME SERVICE Carpentry of All Kinds, Screen ment. 527-6749 WALLPAPERTNG-and painting. Free Estimates, Top Quality. Ted Miles (plus Insurance and gasoline) liberal hospitalization and Ufa Insurance pro OPERATORS On Dresses, Factory WAITRESSES experienced over 21. Repaired, Painting, 527-4521 EXPERtcarpet Installations repair.

Over 20 yeart experience. i "CEILINGS rcil lkiri.SM.95 10X10 Room tiiliiiiiiiimniuiiiiiiiiiii Amln Beder Co. 1703 or ovnln9 Mean inciua- experience. gram and many other fringe bene ADVISORS-EXEC. POSITIONS VIVIANE WOODARD COSMETICS Commission Showcase $20.

Lynn Ellington Dir. 10 yrs. 898-0070 546-1802. EXPERT remodeling and repairing, A-l Landscape. Trees topped, trim.

cu. c-JM-vircni lips. Jj-uiTi. Central Ave. 862-0546 No lobs Too small, Free estimates PAVING SERVICES mad, removed.

Complete lawn serv WAITRESSES FLYNN is a division ofEdutronCorp. and guarantee. 894-1930 ice. S25-1976 PBX OPERATOR Evenings. Apply, Jim Quinlan Chevrolet, 531-5831 Paving Blacktop Driveway tabor Material, 1 Day Service CEILING CO.

662-3722 Lunch Dinner. Apply Bradford' 215. Preparation For Employment REPLACE-ROTTEN WOOD Repalrs-Remodellng-Addition TREES Topped Removed. "No Job Parking Lots, Rockyard, FREE Est, TOO 5mall" Call 544-3941. PBX Lie.

8, ins. L. R. RANDALL, ey4-36jy PENCE CONSTR'N 898-2029; 544-5754 CONCRETE AMERICAN TREE. Any size lob.

LI S72WK Guarantee Employment Park Blvd PP (fee) 544-8851 censed. For estimates, 347-6486; 525- 5580 EXPERT Carpenter. Inslde-Outslde repairs. Cabinets, panelling, Free PHOTOSTATING ST. PETERSBURG 'MAP AND BLUEPRINT CO.

4446 "McCALL Specializes Cemenl wont LARGE or SMALL JOBS. FREE Estimates, Call Driveways, floors, estimates! 527-4055. TREE and hedge trimming. Lawn fits. Only tharp, aggressive men need apply.

Minimum 2 year college training necessary. OPPORTUNITY UNLIMITED! If you have the desire and ambition, through our system the eventual goal could be a G.M. franchise of your own. Apply In person only to Joe Cook, CROWN PON-TIAC, 360 9th Street No. MEN To Train for highly specialized trade.

Starting salary $2.25 per hour. We guarantee that the right men will be making $3.25 per hour In 1 year. Call for interview between 8AM 867-1022, PERMANENT MEN NEEDED Coach House, 1900 4th St.N; WAITRESSES Experienced or will train. Day or night shift. Apply at International House of Pancakes, 1343 Cleveland Clearwater.

WAITRESSES who are tired of small waget, who would like to learn sales work, who would like the opportunity to earn $150 weekly 303 N. Fort Harrison, Clearwater. PHONE GIRL S66WK Guarantee Employment 3101 Central (fee) 347-1261 POODLE Groomer. Expert work re HOUSE WASHING 657 1st Ave. So.

Ph. 862-8665 mowing and hauling. After 5PM, YOU mi IMPORTANT ENROLL NOW, START NOW HOSPITALS NEED YOU! 525-2560. Small or large work guar. Free Esti PLASTERING Don't live In a dirty house I'll quired.

Permanent position. Non- ean Itl Roofs, walls, awnings, etc. PLASTERING end Stucco repairs. 16 yrs. exp.

M. R. Chancey, 544-6474 mates. 896-794S. DETtACONSf RUCTION, ItfCT Driveways Walks Patlot Free estimates 347-3156 seasonal.

Large established clientele. For appointment call AFTER NOON Simulated Brick and ttone Call J. C. Walsh 898-1572. WASH Your Housel CLEAN Your GULFC0AST TREE SURGERY All tree work-years In St.

Pet 525-5344 SCOTT'S TREE Service, 525-5815 TOPPED-REMOVED-TRIMMED ONLY, Tampa 257-8161. Roofl REASONABLE RATES Satis. Guar. KORAN, 526-7066 rVment work, driveways, patios, New Work, Repairs Free Estimates. 525- WARD CLERK ORDERLY PLASTERING of all Types.

MEDICAL ASST. NURSES AIDE man block lobs. Free estimates. 5641 Hauled Away, Lie, Ins. FREE EST 667-3322.

Pememt Wnrlt of all kinds. Special- Age or experience no barrier. Train LAND CLEANING JIMMY'S Lawn Tractor Work Gradlna-Soddina. Contract-Hrly. PLASTERING Specialist In Patch- DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Ing Repair All Types, Free Esti TREES, Trimmed, Topped, Removed.

Licensed, Insured. Reasona in fiat work. Sidewalks, Drlve- mates. 526-3406 ing provided. Call Personnel ottice, AM-5PM 446-4043- MAN TO COVER 3 COUNTIES Slabs.

Floors, etc. 24 YRS. 5705-61 St St. N. 544-5523 ble.

Free estimates, 867-1232 INTERNSHIP PROGRAM i cXP. Free estimates. 347-6881. PUMP REPAIRS LANDSCAPING iLAWNb UPHOLSTERING FrMroiTP walks. Driveways, Pat- PUMP CO.

PUMP REPAIRS ACE IikJ Larae or Small, Free Estimates, Per- DUMALA 8, SONS 391-2269 Maural, fill dirt, black dirt. Trees No experience necessary. Call sonnel Director, 446-4044 9-5pm. UPHOLSTERY and Drapery Work Rooms. Porter' Pad, 2820 4th St.

N. "ALL MAKES SIZES" HOSPITAL TRAINING CENTER 1500 54th Ave. N. Administered by FLYNN COLLEGE 527-7391 49th St. N.

Pin. Pk. 544-6760 8451 trimmed 8, removed. Lots mowed 896-0950. HELP with sodding business.

Chauf Lawns trees fertilizer tprayea JOHN'S UPHOLSTERY, 896-5222 343-1037. CONTRACTORS -ft ESTDENTIAL COMMERCTSr REMODEL-REPAIR-ADDITIONS JOSEPH V. TUCKER, 894-1000 feurs license necessary. Good pay. 581-2761.

PLUMBING LITTLE PLUMBING REPAIRS SEE US FOR WATER HEATERS Lawn Mowing and Hauling. Free estimates. Reasonable. 898-3074, 343- Quality Work, Satis. Guaranteed FREE Estimate, Pickup Delivery 3413 evenings.


Prestige position with brilliant future. Age 21-35. Send resume giving detailed full background, photo and automobile model. Join NOW. HARDING PLUMBING Specializes Ino.

Power Raking, Sod Patching, Our Speciality, Reasonable Rate 1, cVn ctni fttiar. 894-7527 Chair 827.50 up, Sofas S55 up Anar Wnrk. 9 Vrl Evn EDCC Topsoil, Lawn Sand, Stone. 345-8714 'W- in Repairt Alterations. 24 Hr.

Service, 667-4825 or 867-3021 Cal vert gas plumbing haulin G9 a K. Trees the Medical Team Needs YOU Est. Jamples your home 867-4329 PO BOX 9241, 5t. fete, JJ4U, "WT trimmed, cut. Work guaranteed.

Li VENETIAN BLINDS Water heaters, ranges, and heating censed. Call 828-0423. Jo Hirsh does first class work onry. sfnsiblS RATES equipment. Free estimates.

894-0681 Washing Repairing 1 Day Serv. call SARG. Army retired. Moving, EXPERIENCED MACHINIST Age no barrier. Duties will include some light plant maintenance.

Must be versatilel Good working conditions benefits. $3.00 per hour to ttart. PH. 345-3333 24jServlce) Also Mfgrs. of New Blinds, 25 Yrs CALL Patterson for all your Plumb Edging, Trimming, weeding.

Reasonable. 896-2626. of Satis. Customers FREE Est. Mllypes Repairs Aoamoni If? ing Problems.

Prompt, Efficient. 862-8603. NEENON VENETIAN BLIND SERV or Smal we uo em mh large 527-21 il ARGENTINE Bahia Sod or Seed. In-stalled. Lawns Reconditioned.

Fertil Enroll today for a rewarding career as a WARD CLERK NURSES AIDE MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST MEDICAL TRAINING CENTER W. H. DEAN ill-ltf PLUMBING Repairs: Home or 2719 Fairfield Ave 852-4518 ized. 546-1847. -LTRAPERY CLEANING i iFieLD REP TRAINEg I I High school grad conduct confidential field Investigations and type reports.

S485-S500. (Fee) ACCURATE PER- VENETIAN BLIN3 LAUNDRY Commercial: "Jobs Large or Small We Do Them All." ROSS PLUMBING 1454-19th St. N. Phone 694-3195 CALL SARGTArmv retired. Moving, aTvi-ws i 1 Xdust-A-Drape Pick up and ivery Hrnteed length fold finishing Edging, Trimming, weeding, Reason VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY able.

896-2626 Eiiuhurv Cleaners, 862-79441 862-7124. OTTENI PLUMBING 345-657? Faucet repaired, drain cleaned. Water heaters, sewer Installed. CLEANING REPAIRING 618-27TH ST. SO.

862-0550 TJRESSlAllNGTATTERATIONS WANT ADS BRING THE MAKERS YOU NEED. DIAL 194-1141 TODAY Professional Building a Palms of Pasadena Hospital lINtJOWS" "ROOFING i SIDING "Opening Grace' Mode SONNELJNOJllOJst AveN. MAN to learn to assist manager. Apply only, Mr. Perry, Electrolux Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service, 303 N.

Fart Harrison, Clearwater. 442-7836. FUNERAL Home desires ambulance and funeral home personnel. 698-6762. I Sand ENROLL NOW Day Night Class! Student leant Design 4 Make original Salon.

AND PLACB YOUR ACTION GET 10 Pasadena Ava. Salt )- in, i riin. Customed Alter RITEWAY ROOFING Si SIDING CO. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL AWNING and Jalousie Windows. Car-penter Work.

Reasonable. Frea Estimates, 526-7445 PHONE 345-9151 TIN9ADI ations, (European Dressmaker) 7312. 4637 HAINES ROAD 525-1502 Central, 343-3776. i w-a mi..

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


Where to get Tampa Bay Times? ›

You can find the Tampa Bay Times' e-Newspaper at enewspaper.tampabay.com or search for "Tampa Bay Times" in the Google or Apple store to download the app. The app is free to download, but the e-Newspaper requires a subscription to read. You can purchase a subscription at https://subscribe.tampabay.com.

Is it cheaper to stay in Tampa or St. Petersburg? ›

The average daily cost (per person) in Saint Petersburg is $204, while the average daily cost in Tampa is $179. These costs include accommodation (assuming double occupancy, so the traveler is sharing the room), food, transportation, and entertainment.

Which city is bigger Tampa or St. Petersburg? ›

While they have a lot in common, Tampa is a bigger, more diverse city with more job opportunities. Given its proximity to St. Petersburg, living in the Tampa region might be your best bet - so that you live where you work and take a quick drive to nearby beaches and art museums around St. Pete.

What days are the Tampa Bay Times delivered? ›

  • Home Delivery: Sunday and Wednesday print editions.
  • e-Newspaper: Digital replica of the printed paper seven days a week.
  • tampabay.com: Unlimited access 24/7.
  • Subscribers Only. ...
  • Newsletters: DayStarter and News Alerts.
  • Mobile app: Easy access to enjoy our content anytime, anywhere.

How do I get a copy of my Tampa Bay Times? ›

For questions about your digital or print subscriptions, please contact our customer service department at help@tampabay.com or call 1-800-888-7012. To sign up for a digital or print subscription, visit tampabay.com/subscribe.

Does St. Pete have a newspaper? ›

Tampa Bay Times/St. Pete Times.

Why is St. Pete so popular? ›

Pete is home to world-famous museums and independent galleries, a thriving performing arts scene, film festivals, live music, a vibrant literary arts community, a close-knit community of working artists and crafts-people, and a whole lot of public art and outdoor installations.

Is Clearwater or St Pete more expensive? ›

However, with its popularity comes a higher cost. Clearwater Beach tends to be more expensive than St. Pete Beach, whether it's accommodation, dining, or shopping.

Why is Saint Petersburg so cheap? ›

The city's beautiful beaches, excellent weather, and cultural attractions draw millions of visitors each year, providing a steady stream of revenue for local businesses and helping to keep the cost of living low for residents. Seasonal residents, or “snowbirds,” also contribute to the affordability of St. Petersburg.

Is it expensive to live in St. Petersburg, Florida? ›

Petersburg-Clearwater Metro metro area, which is ranked 99 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. According to C2ER (the Council for Community and Economic Research), the cost of living in St. Petersburg is estimated to be 98.6% of the national average making it an average US city.

What is Tampa best known for? ›

In general, Tampa is well-known for its bustling Ybor City, which is where visitors may learn why the city is sometimes referred to as the Cigar Capital of the World. Busch Gardens and the Florida Aquarium are just two of the many breathtaking museums and amusem*nt parks that can be found in the Tampa area.

Is Tampa as big as Miami? ›

However, Miami's population is larger than Tampa's, and the population density is significantly higher. If you want a smaller, less-crowded city, then Tampa might be a better choice.

What is rush hour in Tampa? ›

Rush Hour times are between 7:30 and 9:30 am and again from 3:30 to 7:30 pm. During these times, avoid Hillsborough Ave and popular I-275 exits.

How much does a Sunday newspaper cost? ›

The average price of a Sunday newspaper typically falls between $6.00 and $10.00, influenced by the recent digital shift and decline in ad revenue for print media.

What time is good day Tampa Bay on? ›

FOX13's Good Day, Tampa Bay 8:00A.

Is the Tampa Bay Times a daily paper? ›

Florida's Largest Daily Newspaper | Tampa Bay Times.

What is the main newspaper in Tampa, Florida? ›

The major daily newspaper serving the area is the Tampa Bay Times.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.