Who Played Love & Revolution (Te Estoy Amando Locamente) (2024)

1. Love & Revolution - Te estoy amando locamente (2023) - Cinemagazine

  • 1 aug 2024 · Love & Revolution – Te estoy amando locamente (2023) ... Andere tijden. In het jaar 1977 leek Spanje nauwelijks op het Spanje zoals wij dat kennen ...

  • Recensie Love & Revolution (Te estoy amando locamente) (2023), een film van Alejandro Marín met Ana Wagener, Omar Banana, Alba Flores

2. Te estoy amando locamente - Filmkoepel

  • This film is part of Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival. Actor La Dani and director Alejandro Marin will join the audience for a Q&A after the film and Spanish ...

  • Love & Revolution Alejandro Marín Ana Wagener, Alba Flores This film is part of Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival. Actor La Dani and director Alejandro Marin will join the audience for a Q&A after the film and Spanish drinks will be served at the première to welcome you to the festival on the opening night! A cheekily combative comedy about a dedicated Sevillian mother who, after her son’s coming-out, decides to fight for LGBT+ rights in the 70s… when homosexuality was still a crime in Spain. First-time director Alejandro Marín breaks through with this entertaining heartfelt comedy that tears traditional taboos asunder and defends the right to love. Seville, 1977. Reme, 50 and a widow, has a son, Miguel, who is going to become the first member of the family to go to university. Miguel suddenly confesses that he wants to enter a contest for young singers. At a time when homosexuality is a crime, Reme will end up getting involved in the LGTBI movement that in Andalusia, paradoxically, was created within the Church. The film is a cheekily combative comedy about a dedicated Sevillian mother who, after her son’s coming-out, decides to fight for LGBT+ rights in the 70s… when homosexuality was still a crime in Spain. First-time director Alejandro Marín breaks through with this entertaining heartfelt comedy that tears traditional taboos asunder and defends the right to love. Introducing our guests La Dani is a non-binary actor who won the Best Actor Feroz Award in 2024 for his debut...

3. Te Estoy Amando Locamente (Film, 2023) - MovieMeter.nl

  • 19 jun 2024 · Genre: Komedie / Drama · Speelduur: 106 minuten · Alternatieve titel: Love & Revolution · Oorsprong: Spanje · Geregisseerd door: Alejandro Marín.

  • Komedie / Drama film.

4. Te estoy amando locamente - Love & Revolution (2023) Bioscoopagenda

5. Love & Revolution, Estoy Amando Locamente (2023) - FilmTotaal

  • 1 aug 2024 · Komedie uit Spanje. Regie Alejandro Marín. Sevilla, 1977. Reme is trots dat haar zoon Miguel de eerste in de familie zal zijn die naar de ...

  • Komedie uit Spanje. Regie Alejandro Marín. Sevilla, 1977. Reme is trots dat haar zoon Miguel de eerste in de familie zal zijn die naar de universiteit gaat. Maar wat Miguel echt wil, is artiest...

6. Love & Revolution • FilmFactory entertainment

  • Love & Revolution. Te Estoy Amando Locamente. Director: Alejandro Marín; Cast: Ana Wagener, Omar Banana, Alba Flores; Genre: Dramedy; Duration: 106 min. Status ...

  • Dramedy · Alejandro Marín · LOVE & REVOLUTION is a cheeckily combative comedy about a dedicated Sevillian mother who, after her son’s coming-out, decides to fight for LGBT+ rights in the 70s… when homosexuality was still a crime in Spain. First-time director Alejandro Marín breaks through with this entertaining heartfelt comedy that tears traditional taboos asunder and defends the right to love.

7. Love & Revolution (2024) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Seville, 1977. At a time when homosexuality is a crime, Reme, a traditional mother moved by the love of her son, an adolescent aspiring artist, ...

  • Seville, 1977. At a time when homosexuality is a crime, Reme, a traditional mother moved by the love of her son, an adolescent aspiring artist, will become involved in the Andalusian LGBTQ+ movement, paradoxically born in the bosom of the Church.

8. Love and Revolution (Te estoy amando locamente) - Cineuropa

9. Love & Revolution - Sala Montjuïc

  • Film preceded by the short Traca (Marc Camardons), awarded at the VOC – Omnium Festival of Short Films 2024. Te estoy amando locamente, Alejandro Marín, Spain, ...

  • Monday 29/07

10. Love & Revolution (film, 2023) - FilmVandaag.nl

  • Love & Revolution (2023) · Alternatieve titel(s): Te estoy amando locamente · Jouw beoordeling: · Deel deze film · Trailer · More videos on YouTube · Gezien-lijst ...

  • Sevilla, 1977. Reme is trots dat haar zoon Miguel de eerste in de familie zal zijn die naar de universiteit gaat. Maar wat Miguel echt wil, is artiest…

11. Te estoy amando locamente - Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival

  • Bevat niet: (2024) | Resultaten tonen met:(2024)

  • Our opening night welcomes everybody to celebrate excellence in all these cinematic achievements that ASFF […]

12. Love & Revolution (2023) directed by Alejandro Marín • Reviews, film + cast

  • Te estoy amando locamente. Directed by Alejandro Marín. Synopsis. Seville, 1977 ... 19 Jun 2024. Digital. Flag for Germany Germany. 03 Oct 2024. Theatrical12 ...

  • Seville, 1977. At a time when homosexuality is a crime, Reme, a traditional mother moved by the love of her son, an adolescent aspiring artist, will become involved in the Andalusian LGBTQ+ movement, paradoxically born in the bosom of the Church.

13. ¡Viva! Film Notes – Te estoy amando locamente - HOME Manchester

  • 11 apr 2024 · In particular, it focuses on the life of the protagonist Miguel (played by Omar Banana) who you might have seen in the Netflix series Sky Rojo.

  • Dr Abigail Loxham, University of Liverpool, explores Alejandro Marín's Te estoy amando locamente, screening as part of ¡Viva! Festival 2024 on 10 & 13 Apr.

14. Te estoy amando locamente [Love and Revolution] - Instituto Cervantes

  • Te estoy amando locamente [Love and Revolution] ... Seville, 1977. 50-year-old Reme, a widow, is proud that her son Miguel is going to become the first person in ...

  • Seville, 1977. 50-year-old Reme, a widow, is proud that her son Miguel is going to become the first person in the family to go to university. But w

15. Love and Revolution (Te estoy amando locamente) Spanish Film ...

  • 8 okt 2023 · Post Franco Spain, and in particular the beautiful Andalusian city of Seville, is the setting for the directorial feature debut of Alejandro ...

  • Irene Brown | Radio Summerhall Arts

Who Played Love & Revolution (Te Estoy Amando Locamente) (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.