The Daily Journal from Vineland, New Jersey (2024)

C6 -Friday, October 19, 2001 The Daily Journal uIk krpi ctoJM mityhi in to of South kixf The Daily Journal Toll Free 1-800-222-0104 'Fax Number (856) 563-5269 Business Hours: Monday Friday 8:30 am to 6 pm; Saturday 8:30 am to Noon General. Customer Service 204' Legals xj-egals. Legals" 'I 002 LegalsX 002 x. Legals 002' Legals 002 I .1,. 002 mission.

Section Two. This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to Chapter 2' titled" Administration, Article XX titled Salaries and Compensation of the revised Municipal Code of the City of Millville. A copy of this Ordinance shall be kept on file in the City Clerk's Office. Section Three. This Ordinance shall take effect after final approval and publication as required by law.

A copy of this Ordinance can be obtained without cost by any member of the general public at the city clerk's office, 3rd floor, Municipal Building, 12 S. High Street, Millville, NJ 08332 during regular business hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm By Order of the Board of Commissioners Lewis N.Thompson City Clerk October 19, 2001 CITY OF MILLVILLE NOTICE OF FINAL PASSAGE ORDINANCE NO. 32-2001 Ordinance amending the Municipal Code of the City of Millville Chapter 39 -Motor Vehicle and Traffic Regulations Passed First Reading 2, 2001 Passed Final Reading -October 16, 2001 James F.Quinn, Mayor James T.Shannon W.James Parent JohnCHollingshead Joseph J. Derella, Jr. Commissioners Attest Lewis N.Thompson City Clerk NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above Ordinance was passed on final reading and duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Millville, New Jersey on October 16,2001.

Said Ordinance is effective after due publication as provided by A copy of this Ordinance can be obtained without cost by any member of the general public at the city clerk's office, 3rd floor, Municipal Building, 12 S. High Street, Millville, NJ 08332 during regular business hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Lewis N.Thompson City Clerk October 19, 2001 CITY OF MILLVILLE NOTICE OF INTENTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following proposed bond ordinance was introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Millville, in the County of Cumberland, State of New Jer sey, held on the 16th day of October, 2001 and that said ordinance will be taken up for further consideration for final passage at the meeting of said Board of Commissioners to be held at its meeting room in the City Hall, Millville, New Jersey, on the 6th day of November, 2001, at 7:00 o'clock, PM or as soon thereafter as said matter can be reached, at which tune and place all persons who may be interested therein will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same. In addition, the Board of Commissioners of said City at the meeting held on October 16, 2001 amended the Capital Budget of said City to include the project described in such ordinance and the publication of this bond or dinance shall constitute rx 002 BID INVITATION NOTICE TO BIDDERS COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND NEW JERSEY The Cumberland County Director of Purchasing invites sealed bids for: Purchase of Miscellaneous Medical Equipment (Wheelchairs, ete.) for Cumberland County, Bid N0.OI-6L Purchase of Miscellaneous Kitchen Equipment for Cumberland County, Bid No. 01-62 Specifications may be obtained daily between 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M.

from the Purchasing Office, Room 110, County Administration Building, 780 East Commerce Street, Bridgeton, New Jersey, or they will be mailed on phone request (866)453-2132. Bids shall be made on the bid form provided and in the manner prescribed. They shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes bearing the legend, Bid for Pur chase of Misc. Medical Equipment, Bid No. 01-61 or Purchase of Misc.

Kitchen Equipment, Bid No. 01-62 on the outside. The bids shall be returned to the Director of Purchasing by 11:00 AM. on Friday, November 2, 2001 when they will be opened and read in public. Late bids will be returned unopened "Persons that need an accommodation, (e.g., sign language interpreter, assisted listening device, etc.) must notify the County Office for the Disabled, 1121 S.

Second Street, Millville, NJ 08332, 856-825-8707 within 14 days of the scheduled meeting. Cumberland County cannot provide for any accommodation not re- Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975, C. 127 (NJAC 17:27) Affirmative Action. By Order of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Cumberland.

KenMecouch Director of Purchasing October 19, 2001 CITY OF MILLVILLE NOTICE OF INTENTION Notice is hereby given that an ordinance a copy of which is hereinafter set out, was introduced before the Board of Commissioners of the City of Millville and passed its first reading on October 16, 2001 and that said ordinance will be considered by said board on final passage on Novem ber 5, 2001 at 7:00 PJW. in the City Commission Chamber, City Hall, Millville, New Jersey, when and where all persons interested therein will be given ample opportunity to be heard for or against the adoption of said ordinance, i Following is a copy of the proposed ordinance above referred to. An Ordinance Amending the Salary Ordinance Adopted Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Municipal Code of the City of Millville Titled Administration: Be It Ordained By the Governing Body of the City of Millville in the County of Cumberland As Follows: Section One, There is hereby established a salary range of $13,500.00 to $50,760.00 per year for the position of Municipal Prosecutor (Assistant City Attorney), and he may receive compensation for additional work assigned by the City Attorney with the consent of the City Com tal expenditure pursuant to the Local Bond Law. SECTION NO. 4 GENERAL IMPROVEMENT.

The improvement described in Paragraph 1 of this Bond Ordinance is a general improvement and no part of the cost thereof has been or shall be specially assessed on property specially benefited thereby. SECTION NO. 5. DOWN PAYMENT, The sum of $29,500.00 is hereby appropriated from the General Capital-Capital Improvement Fund as a down payment for this project SECTION NO. 6.

BOND AUTHORIZATION. The balance of $560,500.00 shall be financed by the issuance of Bonds which are hereby authorized to be issued Eursuant to the Local Bond aw. Said Bonds shall bear interest at the rate per annum as may be hereafter determined within the limitations prescribed by law. All matters with respect to said Bonds not determined by this Ordinance shall be done by Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Millville. In the event that Bonds are issued pursuant to this Ordinance, and the aggregate amount of outstanding Bonds and Notes issued shall at any time exceed the sum of $560,500.00, the moneys raised by the Bond shall be applied toward the payment of the Notes then outstanding to the extent that the aggregate of the outstanding Bonds and Notes are in excess of the above amount.

SECTION NO. 7. SHORT TERM BORROWING. Bond Anticipation Notes of the City of Millville in the aggregate principal amount of $560,500.00 are hereby authorized to be issued in anticipation of the issuance of Bonds pursuant to the Local Bond Law, including (without limitation) the following provisions: A. Each Note shall be designated "Bond Anticipation Note" and shall contain a recital that it is issued in anticipation of the issuance of Bonds.

B. Said Notes may be issued for a period not exceeding one year and may be renewed from time to time for periods not exceeding one year subject to the restrictions on renewal contained in NJSA 40A.2-8. Said Notes, including renewals, shall mature and be paid not later than the tenth anniversary of the date of the original Notes, and shall be paid and retired in accordance with NJSA 10AM C. Each of said Notes shall be dated on or about the date of its issuance and shall be payable not more than one year from the date of issuance and shall bear interest at a rate per annum within the limitations prescribed by D. Each of said Notes shall be signed by the Mayor and Director of Revenue and Finance and shall be under the Seal of the City and attested by the City Clerk or Assistant' City Clerk.

Said Officers are hereby authorized to execute said Notes and to issue said Notes as is required for the purposes set forth within the Bond Ordinance. E. The power to deter mine any matters with respect to said Notes, includ ing the authority to sell said Notes at public or private sale, is hereby delegated to the Director of Revenue and Finance, whose signature upon said Notes shall be conclusive evidence as to all such determinations. The Director of Revenue and Finance is hereby authorized to sell said Notes either at one time or from time to time in the manner prescribed bylaw. 1 F.

The Director of Revenue and Finance shall report, in writing, to the Board of Commissioners at their next meeting following the sale of the Notes the principal amount, interest rates, maturities of the publication of the Capital Budget for all the purposes and with the effect provided by Section of the Local Budget law of New Jersey and the regulations promulgated by the Local Finance Board of the State of New Jersey with respect thereto. A copy of this ordinance has been posted on the Bulletin Board upon which public notices are customarily posted in the City HaU of the City, and a copy is available up to and including the time of such meeting to the members of the general public of the City who shall request such copies, at the office of the Clerk in said City HaU in Millville, New Jersey. Following is a copy of the proposed ordinance above referred to: BOND ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE ACQUISITION OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT FOR THE MILLVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND TO AUTHORIZE IMPROVEMENTS ON WARE AVENUE, TO APPROPRIATE THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND ($590,000.00) DOLLARS TO PAY THE COST THEREOF, TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO FINANCE THE APPROPRIATION AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BOND- ANTICIPATION NOTES IN ANTICIPATION OF THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS. THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF MILLVILLE DO ORDAIN: SECTION NO. 1.

APPROPRIATION. There is hereby authorized and appropriated the sum of $590,000.00 for the following purposes: Computer equipment and related improvements for the computer system for the Millville Police Department a DMDATA Computer Aided Dispatch, Records Management System, Mobile Field Reporting, Crime Mapping and Analysis and 16 mobile terminals. b. AVLGIS Automatic Vehicle Locator system to be purchased from DMDATA and integrated with CAD system. c.

In Vehicle Video Recording Equipment for Law Enforcement Agencies Contract No. 44254 Mobile Vision Cam-erarecordermic d. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS)Livescan e. Zetron Series 3200 E911 Electronic Key Telephone System with integrated AMAU idlocation) controller, integrated TDD, Call detail record printer, and interface to Computer Aided Dispatch system for direct access to ANIAU f. Digital Voice Logging System for recording, archiving and playback of radiotelephone transmissions on DVD media Contract No.

A41526 g. Dell Optiplex GX150 Desktop computers to supplement and replace outdated equipment Contract NO.A81247 h. Upgrade of standalone DDSI photo capture system or replacement in Integrated photo system from DMDATA Installation of automatic gates with controls, DPW Yard for the Streets and Roads Department and Water Utility Facility on Ware Avenue to include Petro Vend K800 Fuel Management System and related equipment and improvements. SECTION NO. 2.

EXPENSES INCLUDED IN COST. The total appropriation described above includes in the aggregate the sum of $16,500.00 which is estimated for the expenses authorized by NJSA 40A2-20 of the Local Bond Law. SECTION NO. 3. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE.

The appro1 priation described in Paragraph 1 of this Bond Ordinance is not a current expense. It is an appropriation that the City may lawfully undertake as a capi 4. That notice of this action taken shall be printed in the Daily Journal. Adopted: October 16, 2001 James F.Quinn, Mayor W.James Parent J. Tim Shannon '-JohnCHollingshead Joseph J.

Derella Commissioners Attest Lewis N. Thompson City Clerk October 19, 2001 NOTICE Property located at 1259 Magnolia Road and known as the Winslow School Annex will be offered for sale by public auction on Friday, October 26, 2001 at 10:00 A.M. The Board Solicitor will conduct the public auction of the Winslow School Annex property in the Board Room of the Board of Education offices at 625 Plum Street on Friday, October 26, 2001 at 10:00 a.m., at which time sealed written bids shall be opened and read aloud The property shall be sold "as is" with no warranties or guarantees other than title shall be free and clear of any liens or encumbrances. Each bid shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check in the amount of 10 of the bid. The balance shall be paid within 30 days of the Board's acceptance.

In accordance with N.J.S.A. the Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject the highest bid. Although a specific bid form is not required, for the convenience of any bidder, sample forms are available in the office of the Board Secretary. KevinJ.Franchetta Board Secretary Oct. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,22,23,24,25,26,2001 NOTICE TAKE NOTICE, that on October 29, 2001, at 9:30 local time at Mr.

Roberts, Ino, 3181 S. Delsea Dr, Vineland, NJ 08360, wo shall sell at Public one 1991 Jeep Cherokee Wagon Serial Number 1J4FJ78S7ML617710, which has been repossessed. Said vehicle may be inspected at Mr. Roberts, 3181 S. Delsea Dr, Vineland, NJ 08360 between 9:00 am.

and 5:00 p.m. At the conclusion of the bidding the successful bidder must deposit 20 non-refundable cash or certified funds. The balance is due by 4:00 p.m. that same day. If no bids are received on the above date and time, or if the bids are not commercially reasonable, then after 9:30 a.m.

October 29, 2001, the vehicle will be sold at Private Sale. MINOTOLA. NATIONAL BANK October 19, 2001 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Virginia Sterchele, Deceased Pursuant to the order of Harry A. Freitag, Jr, Surrogate of the County of Cumberland, made on October 16, 2001, on application of the undersigned Executors) of said deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of the decedent to bring in to the subscriber their debts, demands and claims against the estate of said deceased, under oath, within six months from the date of such order, or they will be forever barred from prosecuting or recovering the same against the subscriber. Dated: October 16, 2001 NeldaSeidel Executor(s).

Lipman, Antonelli, Batt, Dunlap, Wodlinger Gil-son (609)692-8000 October 19, 2001 the Notes sold, the price obtained and the name of the purchaser. SECTION NO. 8. AVERAGE PERIOD OF USEFULNESS. The period of usefulness of the improvement or purpose within the limitations of the Local Bond Law, NJSA according to the reasonable life thereof computed from the date of the Bonds authorized by this Ordinance is fifteen (15) years.

SECTION NO. 9. SUPPLEMENTAL DEBT STATEMENT. The Supplemental Debt Statement required by the Local Bond Law has been duly prepared and filed in the Office of the City Clerk and a copy shall be filed in the Office of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs prior to final adoption of this Ordinance. Said statement shows that the gross debt of the City as defined in the Local Bond Law is increased by the authorization of the Bonds and Notes provided in this Bond Ordinance by $660,500.00, and the obligation authorized herein shall be within all debt limitations prescribed bylaw.

SECTION NO. 10. CAPITAL BUDGET. The Capital Budget of the City is hereby amended to conform with the provisions of this Ordinance to the extent of any inconsistency herewith. The Resolution in the form promulgated by the Local Finance Board showing full detail of the amended capital budget" and capital program as approved by the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in on file with the City Clerk and is available for public inspection.

SECTION NO. 11. ANTICIPATED SOURCES OF FUNDING. It is hereby stated by the Board of Commissioners that the following moneys are anticipated as potential sources of funding to be utilized toward the total project costs. In the event said moneys are received, the aggregate amount of the moneys so received shall reduce by an equal amount the amount of Bonds authorized by this Ordinance and shall be held to repay the Notes issued in anticipation of the issuance of Bonds.

a COPS MORE 2001 Technology Grant Moneys in tne approproximate amount of $231,000.00 are anticipated to be received in the form of a Grant from an application submitted to United States Department of SECTION NO. 12. This Ordinance shall take effect twenty (20) days after final aproval and publication as required by law. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY MILLVILLE Lewis N. Thompson, RMC City Clerk October 19, 2001 OF MILLVILLE PUBLIC NOTICE RESOLUTION NO.A-3789 WHEREAS, there is a need for professional legal services in connection with the Municipal Prosecutor; and WHEREAS, the City entered into a Professional Services Contract with Steven S.

Neder, attorney at law, for said professional services which Agreement is on file in the office of the City Clerk. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF MILIAULE: That said Contract for professional services is hereby approved in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00. That the Mayor and Cit-y Clerk are hereby authorized to execute same. 3. That this Agreement is awarded without competitive bidding as a professional services contract 212.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Growing Bridgeport Co. seeks exp. AP indiv. wgen. acct'g knowL Respon.

incl. routine AP function, PO matching A accruals. Ideal cand. will be a team player, detail- orien. Exp wExcel or Acct'g software req.

Email res. wsal reqj hrSalbertsorganics. i com or fax 856-241-9013 I ACCOUNTS REG Clerk, co. offers pd hoi, sick time, 401k, health, dental, ST LT disab. Send resume to HR 1 Dept P.O.

Box 321, W. Berlin, NJ 08091 or fax i to 856-767-3073 ACCOUTNING Assist Need team player for fast paced ofc. Respon. AP, purch, cust serv. Knowl.

of Word, Excel Outlook. Will assist controller with sales tax, along wmonth end tasks. Must work independently.Competi tive salary exc. bnfts. pkg.

pis email resume to or fax 856-931-6593 ACCU Staffing Serv. 864 Mantua Pike Woodbury Hts 845-3900 Activity Aide PT for Weekends, Apply in person: Mater Dei N.H., 176 Rt 40, Elmer NJEOE ADMINISTRATIVE ASST Insur. exp. pref'd, MS office knowledge gen. ofc duties.

Exc sal bnfts. Fax res: 856- 667-5779. Advertising OOp ManagerSpecial Sections Coordinator The Daily Journal, a Gannett newspaper, is seeking a CoOp ManagerSpecial Sections Coordinator for the Advertising Department Incumbent would be responsi ble for securing national co-op advertising dollars for our local ad clients; developing and coordinating special sections for the newspaper. Incumbent will work with our advertising sales staff to promote, market and sell these special sections. The work week is Monday through Friday, 830 AM to 5:00 PM.

Candidate will need prior outside sales experience, preferably in print media; excellent communication presentation skills; ability to meet and exceed revenue goals; be detail oriented and computer literate. The candidate will also need a reliable vehicle, valid NJ drivers license and insurance. We offer a competitive salary, com-" mission and a complete benefits package including medical, dental, vision, prescription, 401 savings, pension vacation, life insurance, tuition reimbursem*nt and much more. Interested candidates please send resumes to: The Daily Journal 891 East Oak Road Vineland, NJ 08360 Attn: Human Resources Fax '856-563-5304 The Daily Journal is an equal opportunity employer, MFDV. ASPHALT Paver i Roller Operators Laborers call Vargo I Paving ft Constr 856-.

ASSISTANT MGR- FT -pos. Apply in person V.G. Liquors, 116 N. Wht Hrse Pk Lawnside AUTO MECHANIC experienced, 5 daysweek. Bob's Garage 856-589-5055 AUTO MECH exper.

in motor trans, install. Must have own tools. Depend. 856-694-5155 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Counterperson. FT.

Exp. pref'd. Salary, comm. bnfts. Call Gary 856-234-4770 AUTO SERV TECH Gallo GMC Truck Sales has immed.

openings for Class A or GM Tech, bnfts incl: paid vac, sick days holidays, health ins, prescr. plan uniforms. GM exp ASE cert a plus. Must have own tools valid DL. Apply in person at 389 Wheat Rd, Vineland or contact Ken 85fr697-3100 xl6 BAKERY Days.

Cake Decorators Front Counter Sales. Flex, hrs. 856-627-8241. BANK TELLER FT Mon thru Fri. wk.

Must have customer service skills. Willing to answer phones. Great bnfts. Starting pay to $12J50hr depending on skills. Fax res or Mail to PO Box 680, Moorestown, NJ 08057, attn Paul.

Credit Union Services. BARBERStylist, tf you have a following, I will pay you 80 comm. Call me at 856-429-9774, Tues-Sat, 9am-6pml eves wkends PUBLIC NOTICE PROPOSAL FOR ENTERPRISE ZONE ASSISTANCE FUND PROJECT VINELAND-MUXVILLE UEZ The City of Vineland proposes to submit to the New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Authority art' application for use of Enterprise Zone Assistance Funds for the following project Vineland Downtown Improvement District Operating Expenses 1102 to 123102 $76,071.15 The Enterprise JZone Assistance Fund was created to assist qualified municipalities in which enterprise zones are designated in undertaking public improvements and in upgrading eligible municipal services in designated enterprise zones. The City of Vineland proposes to utilize monies now deposited in the Enterprise Zone Assistance Fund and credited to the account of the City of Vineland, which is maintained by the State Treasurer for the Enter prise Zone, for the above-mentioned project A description of the proposed project is included in the proposal package that is on file at the Office of the City Clerk. The proposed application for Urban Enterprise Zone Assistance Funds as described briefly above will be considered by Mayor and City Council at their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 23, 2001, at 7:30 p.m., at City Council Chambers, Seventh and Wood Streets, Vineland, New Jersey.

A copy of the proposed application package as briefly described above will be available for inspection by the public at the Office of -the City Clerk, City Hall, Seventh and Wood Streets, Vine-land, New Jersey, during regular working hours from October 19 through 23, 2001. Interested citizens are invited to attend this meeting to express any comments or offer suggestions with regard to the proposed application. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VINE-LAND Keith Petrosky City Clerk October 19, 2001; PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the NJ Self-Service Storage Facility Owners Act, Section 2A44-191, Public Law, Article 20, the contents of the following Units will be sold to satisfy the Owner's lien of Parrish Self Storage, 2290 South Delsea Drive, Vineland, NJ. Sale time, date location: 6 PM, 110901, at facility. Bartleson, Melissa J258 -skis, boots, lamps, fishing pole, freezer, chair, carseat, boxes and bags.

Broughton, Nedra D43 a gas grill, treadmill, briefcase, washer, dryer, kerosene heater, assorted boxes, desk, table, and AC. Chisom, Geraldine K452 suitcase, hibachi grill, fishing pole, broom, basket, trashcan, and several boxes. Dickerson, Sarah A206 -lampshade, car top, and numerous boxes assorted household Fralick, Lewis K347 a hutch, tire, tools, stove, table, chairs, shelf, refrigerator, dresser and boxes. Hall, William C608 a mattress, box spring, bed frame, living room furniture and assorted boxes of household items. Hickman, Rhonda K341 -mountain bike, mattress, box fan, CD playerradio, vacuum, and assorted household items.

McAllister, James A20 xmas tree, table, chairs, mattress, assorted household items, toys, tote, and boxes. Riley, Geneva G82 a crib wmattress, assorted toys, stroller, and numerous bags of clothing. Rodriguez, Andre E417 lamps, end tables, mirror, shelf, boxes, and bags. Rogers, Twana K912 coffee table, end tables, lamps, wash stand, white couch, loveseat and chair. Schwartz, Emily C616 crib, table wglass- top, carseat, boxes and assorted household items.

Still, Jacqueline J100 living room furniture, dresser, mattress, toys, lamp, entertainment stand, and assorted household items. Units are to bid by the entire contents of the unit No piece bidding. Inspection by appointment on 110901 ONLY. Sealed bids must be hand delivered by 110901 5PM. Purchase by CASH, all goods as is and must be removed within 48 hours of sale.

Owner has the right to bid to protect his lien andor to withdraw any unit upon settlement by the obligated party up to sale. For further information, printed bidder rule sheet, andor to make appointment, call Karen Dyer, at 692-6090 during normal business hours. Oct 12, 19, 2001 Customer Service Eepresentative National Distribution Centers has a Position for a Customer Service Representative in the Vineland, New Jersey area. This position is responsible for the processing of customer transactions, inventory control, reporting, scheduling and customer service. Knowledge of MS Office package or equivalent is required.

This position is subject to pre employment screening. Benefits include Medical, Dental, Vision and 401K. Please respond with resume to: Mike Thomas NDC, 71 W.Park Ave, Fax to: 856 794 4616 or e-mail to: Drivers. N208 3 Tri-Axle Dump Truck drivers Exp'donly Call: 609-68K774. CDL Tractor Trailer Drivers needed for night driving to NY City area.

Call JSD info 856-825-1901 Dump Truck Drivers Trailers, Tank work Immed. Openings! Year Round Work. 856-524-3568 Leading transportation co is seeking a highly motivated person to fill a FT dispatcher position. 401k exc bnfus, exc salary. Exper.

nec. 856-205-9994. PTExp'd Driver: Tri-Axle Dump truck wanted. Local day work. 692-4717 Tractor Trailer Driver needed.

CDL Class A req. Excel pay. Local work. John Jr, 609-293652 TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER Class A CDL, Tanker Hazmat req. Exp.

pref.Sal.$39K-$59K 856-825-7600 TRASH TRUCK DRIVERS needed for rear load and roll-off trucks. Must have Class CDL license. Call 609-5614441 Truck Drivers owner Op. Company needed. CDL Class A wTank HAZMAT Call: Syst.

Logistics, Pearl St. Newfield, bet.9a-3pM-F. 1-800 257-7000 Food Beveragel Bartender Door Person: Days or nights. PTFT.EastsideCafe. Lincoln Ave, Vld FT Bartender wanted.

12-6pm. Liberty Bell Tavern. Malaga Call 694-3040 Food Service Worker needed for St Augustine Prep School. Hours: M-F. If interested call: 856-697-2600, X102.

PTCook Immed. opening! Frosted Mug Call: 856697 9825 for appointment Spanish Cook for Elcqui Rest Call: 692-5550 or 447-0485 ask for Joe WaiterWaitress, Line cooks, Dishwash ers. Port of Call Rest 3280 Kte 47, Millville. Waitress MF. PTVFT.

Flex. hrs. Franklinville (856)694-1577, ext 2. WaitressWaiter Line Cook. Apply In person: Olympia Rest.

739 S. Delsea Dr. A Great Oppty. in Beauty Supply Store. Excellent benefits.

Apply in person: Beauty World Disc. Center, N. Delsea Almond, Vld. Access To A Computer? Put it to Work PTFT 800-425-2205 quickcashnow.eom. dthomebix ACCOUNTANTCPA Moorestown based company seeks CPA w5 yrs exp Review consolidation of financial statements, AP consolidation, balance sheet reconciliation, prep of weekly cost analysis knowl of Quickbooks Pro help-' ful.

Exc bnfts growth potential. Fax resume salary reqrmntsto: HR Dept85fr642-0854. ACCOUNTING MGR. SJ. manufacturing co.

seeks acct'g. mgr. to performoversee all accounting financial functions. Accounting degree 5 yra exp Email resume salary reqs. to: fMMtiimi ChildDay Care Licensed 24 hr.

service including program children(850) 696-9018 Will Babysit in my E. Vld Home Ref upon req. 563-1386 lib Brand New Black Boots found. Vic of Mistletoe Call 856-825-3536 to identify. Jewelry item found vie: VldMlv.

area. Call 609-625-2090 VINELAND DSH 2-3 yrs black white Landis Ave DLH 8mos white gray DSH Adult Orange 3rd St DSH Adult black East Ave Lab 2-3yrs cream Myrtle Lab mies 1M IF 6mos yellow Wheat Rd Carin Terrier lOyrs black silver Delsea Dr MILLVILLE Wire hair Fox Terrier 3yrs, wht wblack tan. Blue, purple, teal nylon snap collar, 3rd St DSH Adult orangewhite Wheaton Ave Lots of Cats, Kittens, Dogs and Puppies, all colors and all ages are looking for their owners at the Cumberland County SPCA in Vineland. Some are spayed neutered declawed. If you have lost a Cat or Dog in Vineland, Millville, please call the shelter or stop in to make sure your lost pet is not here.

While visiting the shelter please make sure to fill out a "Lost Animal Report" so that SPCA workers can keep an eye out for your animal incase heshe arrives. SPCA 691-1500 M. Pembroke Welsh Cor-gL Ans to Bernie. Light brownwhite. Vic.

Maurice Rvr Pkwy. Large Reward. 856-692-5803 Personal X130 AAA Escorts. Lowest RatesHighest Qnalil plus FREE 12 hour 9am 5pm 609-641 8759. Phone OnesDating Service Meet Sexy Singles! Free to listen record Call 856-541-1600 code 6040, 18 AccountingBookkeeping! Bookkeeper for Busy Law Office.

Quickbooks, word, Comp. Lit Sal. com. Send resume to: Box 3682 co Daily Journal, 891E.OakRd,Vld,NJ 08360 PART-TIME CIRCULATION SINGLE i COPY COLLECTOR The Daily Journal, a Gannett newspaper, is seeking a part-time, single copy collector for the Circulation Department The position involves Collecting monies unsold newspapers from vending machines sto-' re outlets in the early morning hours, between 6AM and 12 noon, approximately 25 hours per week. Candidate will need to have good customer service skills, related work experience be able to be bonded.

Candidate will also need a reliable vehicle, valid NJ driver's license be familiar with the greater Vineland area. We offer a good starting salary a part-time benefits package including pro-rated vacation sick time, 401K Savings Plan, pension more. Interested candidates please stop in to fill out an application or send resume to: The Daily Journal 891EOakRd Vineland, 08360 Attn: Human Resources Fax 856-563-6304 The Daily Journal is an equal opportunity employer, MFDV Lost 128 jCTHPcrmiccxraK KBrP RCL ES 'fir miiOK The Daily Journal is seeking a Part-Tune Assistant to handle duties that include typesetting and verifying letters and press releases, answering phones, compiling' community information for our database and otherwise assisting senior editors in the newsroom for 25 hours each week. The ideal candidate will have some clerical experience and familiarity with Microsoft Windows. Previous newspaper experience is helpful but not mandatory.

Successful candidates must have their own transportation and be able to work five afternoonsevenings per week. Direct resumes to: Barbara Errickson The Daily Journal 891 East Oak Road Vineland, NJ 08360 The Daily Journal is an equal opportunity employer, MFBV.

The Daily Journal from Vineland, New Jersey (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Views: 6119

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.